Your steepest gradient

Beckers62 Posts: 66
edited March 2013 in Road general
Inspired by watching todays stage of the Tirreno Adriatico

I've done a local 20% and some 20+% in Mallorca... but these guys have a 30% climb in todays circuit. Just watching is giving me a nosebleed

What have you done


  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    This is just down the road and it's evil - hits 27% at points
  • Beckers62
    Beckers62 Posts: 66
    That looks fun. Thanks for posting. I'd nip out and have a crack at it right now, but sadly I'm about 600 miles away ;-)
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    This bad boy in North Cornwall is 15% average, but has a short section on a bend, where you almost have to unclip for fear of dabbing a foot to the ground - must be 30%.
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    hardknott pass is 33%, steepest Ive done.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Pitroddie? Hardly, that's one of my regular commuting routes, although I prefer Kilspindie (next road along) as it's longer and higher ;-)
    Really can't see where Pitroddie is 27% TBH.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    bompington wrote:
    Pitroddie? Hardly, that's one of my regular commuting routes, although I prefer Kilspindie (next road along) as it's longer and higher ;-)
    Really can't see where Pitroddie is 27% TBH.

    There's two wee sections that hit 27% on strava. I reckon one part is on the wall of a road just past the farm at the bottom. Kudos for doing that on the commute! Kilspindie is deffo a bitch of a climb though – and the state of the road on the first half doesn’t help. Haven't been up it since late Autumn when it was suffering after all the rain – god knows what state it’s in now. I’m more a Rait man myself.
  • gthyer
    gthyer Posts: 46
    Have only ridden locally in Cornwall. Hills here seem to be short and sharp around coastal areas which are a lot of fun.

    The steepest I've ridden is Blue Hills near St Agnes. It ramps to 31% but is fairly manageable.
    There's another local one that I haven't tackled that gets to 34% so will have to hit that one day.
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7
    Curtis MX24
    Pashley 26mhz
  • Second Hardknott, not necessarily the hardest climb though, as it only reaches it's steepest gradient in a couple of places - I would say that Rhino's from the Langdale side is a much tougher climb.
    “Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.” Hunter S Thompson
  • seanorawe
    seanorawe Posts: 950
    This is one of the steeper ones near me. Hopefully ill get on it some time this weekend. With my inexperience and lack of drop out gear (13-26 Compact 8 Speed) Im not looking forward to it.
    Cube Attain SL Disc
    Giant CRS 2.0
  • deswahriff
    deswahriff Posts: 310
    Cudham Hill in Kent....only short but 25 - 30 % in places (you know when you feel the front wheel lifting up)...brutal little thing.....
  • borisface
    borisface Posts: 273
    Chick Hill East Sussex - only short but hits 42% for a few feet according to Strava
  • Roland hill in kidderminster, nobodys ever got up there on a bike!
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Second Hardknott, not necessarily the hardest climb though, as it only reaches it's steepest gradient in a couple of places - I would say that Rhino's from the Langdale side is a much tougher climb.[/quote]

    Steepest - Chimney Bank as its steeper than Hardknott although not near as long or as hard as Hardknott.

    Have to disagree with your quote as I think Hardknott from Boot is tougher than any other climb in the Lakes or the rest of Blightly. :twisted:
    Brian B.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Ankerdine Hill near Worcester, not amazingly steep, ave 17%, but when I rode it I was 35miles into a 39m TT and it was against the wind. We have a hill in Norwich(yes I know it's meant to be flat) called Gas Hill which is over 20% in some places but you can get up it on a fixed if you're strong enough.
  • thefd
    thefd Posts: 1,021
    borisface wrote:
    Chick Hill East Sussex - only short but hits 42% for a few feet according to Strava
    I may be wrong but the steepest I can see this hitting is 21.7%.

    This is mine which hits 21.2% - ride it often on a standard chainset! Much easier on my compact.
    2017 - Caadx
    2016 - Cervelo R3
    2013 - R872
    2010 - Spesh Tarmac
  • styxd
    styxd Posts: 3,234
    Second Hardknott, not necessarily the hardest climb though, as it only reaches it's steepest gradient in a couple of places - I would say that Rhino's from the Langdale side is a much tougher climb.

    Have to say, you could be right. Its not as steep though. They're all a fucking drag on a standard double. I just mince up them on a compact now though!
  • pride4ever
    pride4ever Posts: 510
    everyone knows its Hardknott. The Strines has some 20% plus bits and is dangerous as hell taken at speed.
    the deeper the section the deeper the pleasure.
  • tubbs_214
    tubbs_214 Posts: 185
    Church Lane in Hebden Bridge is the steepest ive done also done the Rake in Rammsbottom which is a close second (it has a hand rail its that steep). Although this may change when i got to the lakes and tackle Hardknott Pass in the summer.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    edited March 2013
    Todays stage of Tirreno saw something I haven't seen before. Pro's come to a stop on a climb and require a push to get going. At one point I noticed a Blanco rider with one foot down pushing himself along. Brutal. 30% apparently.

  • RonB
    RonB Posts: 3,984
    Back road out of Combe Martin, must have been a 30:30 gear on my old MTB and had to stand up for fear of falling backwards if I sat down. Didn't walk any of it though 8)
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    Canonbie Road SE London

    About 25% and it's got f*cking speed humps!!!!
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I've found some little singletrack roads in Devon and Cornwall that are hideously steep, nearing 40% where you start to feel the back wheel beginning to break-out and you have to keep your bum over the saddle. When you start having to throw your body about on the bike to maintain forward progress and grip, it's a good indicator of steepness) I'd certainly rate Hardknott from Eskdale tougher than Wrynose (Rhinos 8) !)
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • There was a road that I had a strange love/hate relationship near my old town in Austria that was 7-8km long and averaged about 22% over that distance. Was a very, very brutal climb, but a great feeling once done.
  • deswahriff wrote:
    Cudham Hill in Kent....only short but 25 - 30 % in places (you know when you feel the front wheel lifting up)...brutal little thing.....

    Where is that? Done it a few times, it is a good old climb whether you do the long gentle climb of North Cudham Lane or the sharper Cudham South. The little sections from Downe get to 21 but that is only a couple of hundred yards!

    I think Chalkpit Lane is better as it is longer and gets to 24 on the hair pin.
    ADIHEAD Posts: 575
    Steepest I've done is probably Crowcombe in the Quantocks. Around 25% or so but it averages 14% for a mile so pretty hard. Reasonable grip though. I don't mind 20% plus climbs if there's some grip available as I'm a wimp once the back wheel starts slipping. Don't get why more teams on today's stage of the Tirreno-Adriatico didn't fit compacts/WiFLi or equivalent? Surely the ultimate lack of professionalism to have your rider walk up a climb?
  • roger_merriman
    roger_merriman Posts: 6,165
    Steepest (on road) for me would be hill nr my folks that averages 17% not sure what the ramps hit guess would be 25-30 % give or take, GPS/strava etc are useless for max grade of hills, it's on of the 100 greatest climbs and a savage if short hill.
    ADIHEAD Posts: 575
    [quote="GPS/strava etc are useless for max grade of hills.[/quote]

    Indeed, according to Strava I've done some bits well over 30% :shock: All I know is I can tell I've ridden a hill 20% when the next morning my stomach muscles hurt where I've been pulling up on the bars so hard :roll: