Possible leak when bleeding brakes....but where!?



  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    So to sum, should have bought some m596s
  • Just one other thing then which may already have been mentioned, but do you have a bleed block in the caliper when pulling the lever at that phase of the bleed? Good luck, hope you get it sorted. It s satisfying to get something sorted all yourself. Incidentally, I got rid of my Avids and swapped for shimano brakes because the Avids were a pain in the arse on every front, unreliable and bloody awkward to bleed. Shimano brakes are dead easy. Guess that's perhaps not useful advice at this stage!
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    No, so that's why we gave it to him before!
  • Yes, but sadly you lacked the telepathic foresight to dispense this advice before he bought the Avids!
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    No I didn't, we told him in another thread.

    I told him they are 10 years old in design nearly, am shimano would suit much better. He was concerned about weight for some unknown reason.
  • Mrtennis
    Mrtennis Posts: 153
    So to sum, should have bought some m596s
    I'm sure I can quite easily go out and buy some second hand m596s that are messed up too.
    Getting hold of a bad set of brakes doesn't mean they're all bad. Maybe you had one bad experience and you wussed out.
    My brother's avid juicy's have been on his bike atleast 6 years and not one problem from there
  • Mrtennis
    Mrtennis Posts: 153
    Just got off the phone to another bike shop and he said without actually taking a look at it himself he can't really say where the leak is...money money money.
    I think I'm just going to take the lever apart myself and find out which bits are damaged. There are about 3 different lever service kits so need to make sure I get the one with the right bits.
    The guy I spoke to mentioned the lever rod or piston kit which wasn't what I had been looking at.
    So time to crack em open I think. Looking forward to it!
  • Good luck, but Just on the off chance that you irreparably damage the unit in your travails, I'd get Shimano as a replacement.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I'd try a 'professional' bleed first.
    I've only bled Avids once, in not ideal conditions in the parking lot at Swinley. but initially I just made it worse - same thing, air just seemed to be appearing from nowhere.
    Took half an hour of faffing to get it sorted. Still don't know what was wrong. I just took everything off, started over and it worked.
    But I did some serious swearing first.
    Silly bugger had split the calipers instead of loosening the caliper bolts to centre them.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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  • Mrtennis
    Mrtennis Posts: 153
    cooldad wrote:
    I'd try a 'professional' bleed first.
    I've only bled Avids once, in not ideal conditions in the parking lot at Swinley. but initially I just made it worse - same thing, air just seemed to be appearing from nowhere.
    Took half an hour of faffing to get it sorted. Still don't know what was wrong. I just took everything off, started over and it worked.
    But I did some serious swearing first.
    Silly bugger had split the calipers instead of loosening the caliper bolts to centre them.
    What do you mean a professional bleed? I've just been following the avid/sram instrucitons which as far as I know cover everything.
    Do you mean flush it through?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Nope, someone who does it for a living, or at least has done it successfully before.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook
