Bristol Cummute Near Miss

catbaier Posts: 123
edited March 2013 in Commuting chat
Hi all, this is probably something that comes up time and time again, and no doubt there are whole threads dedicated to it. None the less, I'm going to combine a rant with a question.


Some demented old biddy tried very hard to kill me at the Wyck Rd/Cribbs Causeway roundabout yesterday evening. She tried to overtake me as we both went left around the roundabout at about 20-25mph, but started pulling in before she was past. I couldn't brake as the road was a bit greasy and damp (normal for this time of year) and if I had I'd have slid under her car. I was left with zero room and in the end clipped her rear wheel with my front wheel, smacking me into the side of her car and then sending me veering across two lanes of traffic before I regained control. I have no idea how I stayed upright. Equally fortunately, the drivers behind me managed to brake and get out of the way. The dizzy moo in the car just drove on blithely unaware that I'd maxed out my heart rate and had nearly died (I'm not exaggerating, if I'd have gone down I'd have gone under her car, or the the car behind would have mushed me into the tarmac).

I caught up at the next set of lights, and managed not to swear at all. Just repeatedly tell her how she'd nearly ended my life. She just looked blank and asked "what did I do?". Anyway, I totally forgot to take her registration. So that's as far as I can take it.

Here's the question:

Assuming I survive that kind of lunacy next time; who rides with a helmet cam? If you did, would you have reported her? What can cyclists do to be safer? I've been riding for 30 years without stabilisers and that's the closest I've come to buying the farm (not by my own actions anyway). It seems drivers are getting worse not better. What can be done?


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    All you can do is remain calm and explain what she did, in the hope she listens, understands and keeps an eye out in future.
    If she's swearing and going mental, all you can do is try and calm her down or just leave it. If you're swearing at her, she'll only ignore you.

    I can imagine its terrifying, but you need to try and get her to understand the severity of her actions (not looking where she's going - checking blindspots etc) in a way that you can be sure it hits home.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    I know the area well, but have no idea what you were doing/road positions. Can you elaborate on direction of travel and so on?

    A little perspective from what you have said; 1 incident in 30 years is very good going.

    Personally, I think you are taking it a bit far - You had an incident, you are still alive; that's about it. The Police won't care and a helmet cam will only give you the moral high ground and some retribution if you post the video online. if you give the footage to the Rozzas, well, they *may* ask her to do a driving course, but can you really instruct people who are oblivious to everything? IMHO; no, as they don't see what they are doing wrong in the first place.

    I had an incident in a car years ago...bear with me! A woman pull out of a parking space on a main road into moving traffic without looking, unfortunately she pulled out in front of my car and I went straight into the side of her. She tried to drive off, but the damage to her car was terminal for the car and the damage to my car was fairly extensive. She denied the incident, denied being involved in an accident and told the Police officer that the damage to my car must have been there already.....Luckily it was a company car!

    The moral of the story is, some people are ignorant and oblivious f*cktards that don't think, don't look and don't give a f*ck. You have been real lucky for 30 years of cycling and 1 incident....I would count my chickens and chalk it up.
  • corriebee1
    corriebee1 Posts: 390
    Well yeah. But then, the only reason she's not being investigated by insurance companies is the fact that you stayed upright.

    I often think the best way of explaining to motorists would be "Do you realise that if you'd done me some actual harm, you could be in for a very expensive insurance claim?!?!
  • catbaier
    catbaier Posts: 123
    Coroidan: I kind of stayed calm... ish. Like I said, there was no swearing and I didn't actually call her any names. I 'think' I just shouted (because her window was up) that she'd come damned close to killing me.

    gtvlusso: I agree with you for the most part. To answer your question; I was riding down from Cribbs towards the island and turning left. I was on the inside lane (initally) about 1m from the curb and since I was festooned with lights. She clearly spotted me as she overtook, rather than ran me down. She just assumed that once I was out of eyeshot I was behind her. In itself that's kind of understandable (cars are faster than bikes as a rule), but she tried it on blimmin' traffic island!

    p.s. That's by no means the only time in 30 years. And I've been actually knocked off before. But this was the closest to a situation where I would have been grievously injured. I was one more speed wobble from a very nasty fall and then being at the mercy of a dual carriageway doing 30mph+
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    Okay - so, you are heading down the hill on the dual carraigeway to the island.

    if you were turning left; As most traffic, Was she trying to turn left too or go straight on? Did she take the apex on the left turn? Was this the issue?
  • catbaier
    catbaier Posts: 123
    She was going left and yeah, I guess she was going for the racing line.
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    corriebee1 wrote:

    I often think the best way of explaining to motorists would be "Do you realise that if you'd done me some actual harm, you could be in for a very expensive insurance claim?!?!

    You think a motorist would care?

    After all its not them paying the claim & to be honest its makes very little difference to the driver as if no police involvement would only be like driving into another car in the eyes of an insurer and a quick simple payout. If the police were involved it is only likely to generate a crime number for reporting & if the TP was found guilty would have their insurer pay out and still be treated in the same manner as hitting another car.

    Sadly hardly any of these slower speed (yet still dangerous) incidents do not get very far in terms of the police involvement or criminal convictions and of those that do are often a few points only on the drivers license.

    Been in a similar incident myself & have to say that the OP did quite well as I know a lot of people would have their toys out of the pram and been using some quite choice words.

    If you want to get a camera as you feel it would give you more protection then feel free, but please don't turn into one of those helmet cam warriors we see on youtube.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    catbaier wrote:
    She was going left and yeah, I guess she was going for the racing line.

    'taking the apex' Most people do this involuntarily; I almost got binned by a laydee taking the apex on a blind bend whilst overtaking me.....This was on Toronto Road in Lockleaze; the road is a 'S' bend and blind on both approaches, usually has parked cars there too. Said laydee decided to overtake and take the apex whilst I was on the bend - Net result was me bunny hopping on the the pavement on a fixie....I had a go, non abusive and relatively calmly, at her at the temporary lights; all I got was a 'f*ck off', a load of abuse and he son started crying and shouting 'Why are you always swearing and shouting mummy'....I left it and thought 'poor kid'.

    Also noted that she had no tax disk and stank of fags and pot....probably not insured.

    So, yes, unfortunately people do not realise their distance from the curb when taking bends....some people don't even think to look ahead onto the opposing carraigeway.

    I have to be honest.....It is always women drivers who have no frickin' idea of road position, in my experience.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,336
    Glad you didn't get squished. Sadly, the early cut in from an overtake is a 'classic' of the inattentive driver, so I'd always be ready to ease up/brake when someone comes past you.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • catbaier
    catbaier Posts: 123
    Not so sure about the women drivers bit. I've nearly been collected by all manner of people from all walks of life. Driving stupidity and thoughtlessness is (fortunately) not the sole reserve of lady-types.

    Though I have to say I kind of found myself amused by a bus driver at the top of the Downs who appeared to be tying to slipstream me (same ride).
  • catbaier
    catbaier Posts: 123
    rjsterry wrote:
    Glad you didn't get squished. Sadly, the early cut in from an overtake is a 'classic' of the inattentive driver, so I'd always be ready to ease up/brake when someone comes past you.

    Normally I would, but banked over on a turn going at a half decent lick on cold damp roads is no time to be squeezing the brakes!
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    catbaier wrote:
    Though I have to say I kind of found myself amused by a bus driver at the top of the Downs who appeared to be tying to slipstream me (same ride).

    Wasn't a number 1 service? I had the same some weeks back coming down Passage Road to the Old Crow roundabout. A 15 stone cyclist being slip streamed by a 15t bus doesn't work, a 15 stone cyclist streaming a 15t bus does though.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.