New UK Trail Directory- Driving Reviews

stumpy_dan Posts: 46
edited March 2013 in MTB general
Folks, We have just launched a new UK MTB Trail directory for most of the main MTB centres and bases
over at IBIKERide. We are now looking to drive reviews to help folks that visit get the real lowdown on what a trail is like to ride. We are offering a small incentive to encourage folk to contribute their trail experiences and write a review. i.e. if you write a review you could win £50 if pulled out of the prize draw. Basically the more trails you review the more chance you have of winning. We are still adding trails so if you spot any gaps please let us know. Thanks

Competition and the Trail Directory can be found here at IBIKERide helping you find the trails you'll love


  • Newfish
    Newfish Posts: 121
    Initially looks really good, good effort.

    Some of the links don't work, the three main buttons under the main picture on the home page (find your trail/plan your trip/come back and review) don't do anything as far as I can tell.

    I couldn't find a key to what each bit means? some is fairly obvious, red/blue/DH etc, however the star rating isn't, what does the one person and two person thing mean??

    On this page the by region search function always sits on County Antrim and doesn't go back to Search, not sure if this is meant to happen or not, but since the County Antrim link does nothing I'm guessing not.

    Cannock Chase is within the West Midlands region but doesn't come up on the West Midlands search.

    Other than those that I found, it's looks really good, and its a nice looking website too. Look forward to seeing it once it is tweaked.
    2012 Spesh Rockhopper
  • Simon thanks for that. Some invaluable feedback, thanks for taking the time. The three main images you refer to are what link out rather than the buttons. But it's daft the buttons don't so will look into that. Should be a simple fix. The Key you suggest is a good idea. 1 person and 2 person thing If I understand correctly is the number of reviewers. Could be clearer. The County Atrim sounds like a browser issue as not happening with me so I will do some wider testing. Cannock is found under Staffordshire rather than the West Midlands. I wonder if I should suppress a country if it is empty (or have a count in the drop down) as frustrating to get there and find nothing. Cool, the tweaks are what make the difference I think so we will take them seriously. Thanks again helping you find the trails you'll love
  • Newfish
    Newfish Posts: 121
    Not a problem at all, user testing is a great way to iron out the glitches. I'm running a mac with safari on iOS 10.7.5 just incase you haven't tested it on that yet. You have been bookmarked so will look through periodically.

    Number of venue's per location sounds like a good idea.

    The review/person thing really isn't clear, especially since the four or five pages I looked at only had stars in the two person column. I was, and still am, a little puzzled by it.

    I did discover that the images were the link, but that wasn't what I naturally clicked on.

    One, possibly minor thing, on the home page the white box with the drop down menu to browse trails looks empty. The review one looks really good, well spaced and nicely filled. The other one looks as though it is missing something, or maybe just needs to be centralised??

    I'll keep mooching..
    2012 Spesh Rockhopper
  • Ahhh.. worked out what you mean now by the one person and two person thing. The one person is for Editors reviews (currently just myself but this will grow as community members start to own the site and we appoint community editors). The two person is for rider reviews. There is a tool-tip but the iconography doesn't make it explicit. As the site is young there will be for a while (especially on less popular trails) cases where either one or the other are blank. helping you find the trails you'll love