Which wheels?

lloydgoodman Posts: 10
edited March 2013 in MTB buying advice
I need to pick up some 650b wheels at short notice. There's not a great deal available and I've narrowed down what there is to the following

- Ritchey vantage II's £430
- Crest rims with pmp hubs £520
- Crest rims with progress hubs £300 (used)
- Notubes Crest Stans's ZTR Wheelset £480 (a bit overpriced I think)

I've managed to google a bit of info about the reliability of the notubes option (come with crappy bearings but are otherwise pretty reliable) but am in the dark on the first three options. If anyone has any experience of them, not necessarily 650b, I'd appreciate some advice.

Many thanks
