Really worried about ditching the reverb



  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Thats three people I know who have had problems with Reverbs on their hardtails and they all had no problems with them on their full sus bikes.
    Correlation is not causation :wink:
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I genuinely see no reason not to use one unless you race xc, they make sense on all trail bikes

    People do ride differently to you ;-). I ride xc/trails, I do not need one and do not use one. Like many, many people!
  • anj132
    anj132 Posts: 299
    ljs1977 wrote:
    Sorry I may have over stated the REALLY bit, but the story behind this is that I am part chopping my full suss in for the HT, either with out without the Reverb. Obviously I will get more money if I give them the reverb, helping my budget - which is important. If I do sell it with the reverb I will be unlikely to afford another one for a while.

    I am demoing some bikes tomorrow, just wanted some feed back of people who may have ditched and regretted or ditched and didnt miss it.


    OP, if I was in your situation, I would keep the reverb for now. You will probably get more selling it separately and if you did sell it now and you wanted to buy another say 2nd hand, you won't know what sort of condition it will be in, especially if yours is in good nick now. Worse case - sell it later on and fund a really light weight post/saddle.
  • ljs1977
    ljs1977 Posts: 247
    Little update. I went out on a scale at the weekend, the geometry was perfect and confidence inspiring the big wheels and frame meant that I did not miss it at all.

    Scale ordered, stereo with reverb gone.
