possible road convert

bwfc4eva868 Posts: 717
edited March 2013 in Road beginners
Well after it being in my mind for about 8 months I have been told by the missus if you want one just try it once we get some bits done in the house. Now I've always been intrigued by it and think I'd like to have a go but I'm unsure as I get seriously annoyed at shit drivers when on the motorbike.

So what are the pro's and cons of being a roadie or am I better off sticking to my mountain bike.
Inspire me or tell me it's a bad idea people please.


  • saprkzz
    saprkzz Posts: 592
    The best thing I have ever done!

    I have been mountain biking all my life, racing, off road sportive's, joined a MTB club and was riding 3 times a week, until two of the group bought road bikes, I said I would never wear lycra and convert, but a little while later i moved to the dark side and got my first road bike. Two years later my MTB's are gathering dust. I now have two road bikes (one bad weather and my "race" bike), i am looking to buy a TT bike and a track bike, oh and also a winter bike (for next winter) Totally hooked, and now have my race licence to race this season.

    Road riding is great, i think its the mileage you can cover, the challenge of the hills, the speed of the decents and holding 24 mph on the flats. Riding in groups is great as well, riding close to wheels and drafting taking it in turns all throw in the thrill.

    I still ride my MTB's, still visit wales and swinley and the chilterns a couple of times a month, but road riding has kinda taken over for me.

    The positive things are being able to jump on the bike and go out for an hour, you cant do that on the MTB unless you live close to the woods, for me its a 20 minute ride just to get to the woods, and then all the cleaning, kit bikes etc.. does my head in.
  • sancho_uk
    sancho_uk Posts: 141
    The best thing about Road biking vs MTB`ing for me is..

    You literally get your gear on.. Jump on the bike outside your house and away you go..

    For me to get a good MTB session in I had to load the steed into the car and drive to "Delamere" or similar.. usually 30min to an hour drive to a decent ride.. On my road bike I literally walk out my door, jump on the bike and start racking up the miles :)
    Focus Cayo 2.0 Ultegra 2012
  • Mikey41
    Mikey41 Posts: 690
    Point the bike outside your door and off you go. Find a rapid escape route to quiet country roads and let the miles fly by. Avoid busy A roads and city streets as much as possible and you can be all by yourself for ages.

    They are more comfy than you would think and quick! Wearing lycra was a bit of a mental hurdle, but it does not bother me at all now.
    Giant Defy 2 (2012)
    Giant Defy Advanced 2 (2013)
    Giant Revel 1 Ltd (2013)
  • wavefront
    wavefront Posts: 397
    Definitely a good idea!

    I got my road bike last summer after years of riding mtbs. I guess I could say I'm 'converted', but I'm lucky that I live with hills, fields and trails at the end of my road so I get the best of both worlds and I still take my MTB out a few times a month. However I find I'm quite a bit fitter having my road bike and it's a very different experience. Something addictive about road cycling, and I love going for long rides - perfect for clearing the mind after a particularly stressful day at the office.

    Go try it - after you've got your head around Lycra it all makes sense!
  • Htron
    Htron Posts: 47
    I find that on my MTB, I get a muscular strength work out for my legs.

    On my road bike I get a cardio workout for my lungs.

    I like the feeling of a cardio workout better. I like that I can cover big distances on the road bike.