Mavic Cosmic Aero Fairing

Scotty4 Posts: 5
edited May 2017 in Workshop
Hi All, Last week I noticed a constant ticking on the back wheel when riding and it being louder when out of the saddle and climbing. It wouldn't happen when just spinning the wheel off the bike and I think it's to do with the Mavic Cosmic aero fairing coming away from the rim. I've taken a video to help show this. Does anyone know if this is just a glue job back on the rim or worse. Bike is a Scott Foil 20, less than a year old.
Any advice greatly received


  • that's pretty knarly! Something the frenchies at mavic should have a look at. But I don't think it has anything to do with it since simple aerodynamics tells us the wind will be pushing the fairing to the rim not away from the rim. I think it may be a simple drivetrain disturbance. Check for weak links!

    anyone else?
  • damn... it is really coming off...
    I assume it's not under warranty anymore, otherwise a claim for replacement is the obvious way to go... I don't know what kind of adhesives they use, my head say epoxy type... maybe having a go with super glue?

    Try contact Mavic first, maybe they have a solution
    left the forum March 2023
  • Thanks Guys...

    It will be under warranty but as it's my only set of wheels then I was hoping I could do a quick fix to avoid time off the bike. Also the bike shop is about 3 hours away. May try the super glue if I'm feeling brave. Thanks Again
  • As Urgo said an epoxy would be best. If its just that small area shown in the video you would be fine using a 5 minute DIY epowy glue like Araldite Rapid (provided there is something solid underneath to bond to). If you co that route make sure you maintain some even pressure on the bond during curing like wrapping electrical tape around it for at least 3x the time given on the tube.

    If your anywhere near Essex I'd be more than happy to get you on your way as a favor- or can do a full repair if warranty does not go through. Your lucky that its just a faring on those, although that is prob also why it broke! lol
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Don't use Araldite - it's too brittle and will just break again. Suggest you try and get you LBS to contact the Mavic Service Centre in Frimley, Surrey for advise. Try looking on Devcon website for suitable adhesives if going DIY.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Well if that video does not finally convince people that the Mavics are a pile of pooh nothing will.

    Also a very good video to finally show people that they are just an aluminium clincher with a bit of plastic stuck (badly) on to them.

    To the OP, sorry its happened, just get Mavic to refund you in full and go and buy some proper wheels.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • jkj
    jkj Posts: 5
    Thread revival. Hey Scotty 4, have same problem with my cosmic sls aeros, fairing coming away from alu rim, did you find a solution to yours ? Mine are hopefully being referred to Mavic, via the retailer, acycles, but are 20 months old. Did they replace or fix, either by them or a 'home fix'.