Benefits from new bike

dread_i1 Posts: 178
edited February 2013 in Road buying advice
So a week ago I was ready to pull the trigger on a Focus Izalco, however I had a busy week last week so didn't end up ordering it. I was thinking over the weekend what benefits would there be from a new bike and if I should maybe just not spend the money.

I'm currently riding a 2011 felt f85, do between 50 and 150 miles a week all of which is purely for fitness, I'd like to maybe do some club riding just to see how I'm getting on and maybe the odd race. Originally I started riding to increase base fitness for motocross and break up the gym work but over the past few years I have done more and more cycling and less mx, so the mx bike is up for sale and some of the sale proceeds were going to go towards the focus.

So any opinions on if I'd see any benefits from upgrading or should I just concentrate on putting in as much time on the bike as possible.



  • Just ride. Buy the bike if you can afford it and really want it.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    If you are happy with the current bike and it does everything you need why change?

    Having something new is always nice but in reality it makes little difference to your overall performance/enjoyment.

    Your current bike is not that old and Felt make nice machines.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • dread_i1
    dread_i1 Posts: 178
    Yeah that's the conclusion I think I've come to, as with most of us it's just nice to have shiny new toys.

    Think I might invest in some wheels though, the stock ones on the felt do not seem to roll all that well even after a good service.
  • You could race the Felt with some nice race wheels. Looks like a sharp looking bike in my opinion.

    You'll probably enjoy riding a carbon bike more and the Izalco is supposed to be great value bike. Whether its worth the money is entirely up to you? Try test riding one.
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    It may give you more motivation to get out there and show them who's boss
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    Forget the upgrade, go and do a club ride.

    If you enjoy it and want to race you'll not want to do it on a best bike but one you can afford to break.

    Actually what am I on about, buy the focus race the felt ;)