knee pain on left leg on left side off knee????

Whufcrule Posts: 131
edited February 2013 in Road beginners
hi lads thgought id just let u all know i done my first 50 miler today well 55.8 miles to be precise lol felt ok but my left knee was giving me quite a bit off grief for last 10 miles im thinking my seat might be to low does that sound about right or was it hurting just cos off the effort i put in same thing happened couple weeks ago when i done first 40 miler again left knee hurt any ideas lads gotta try a 70 miler next over easter


  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Whufcrule wrote:
    hi lads thgought id just let u all know i done my first 50 miler today well 55.8 miles to be precise lol felt ok but my left knee was giving me quite a bit off grief for last 10 miles im thinking my seat might be to low does that sound about right or was it hurting just cos off the effort i put in same thing happened couple weeks ago when i done first 40 miler again left knee hurt any ideas lads gotta try a 70 miler next over easter
    Too low a saddle could cause knee pain, so can riding in too big a gear and incorrect cleat position. Search on YouTube for "bike fit" or even better, find a local expert and pay for a professional fit.

    Well done on your first 50, next is the metric century. :D
  • Gonna go for the 70 first mate then onto the 100 my cleats are level with the ball off my foot so I think that's fine I put it down to saddle being to low as on the down stroke my leg was no where near stretched out at the bottom
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    Congrats on the first 50.Well done.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • TommyB61
    TommyB61 Posts: 103
    Your first 50...great milestone to have reached. Nice one.
  • Whufcrule wrote:
    Gonna go for the 70 first mate then onto the 100 my cleats are level with the ball off my foot so I think that's fine I put it down to saddle being to low as on the down stroke my leg was no where near stretched out at the bottom

    It's not just how far forward or back your cleats are positioned its also the angle. Pain on the outside of the knee might mean your heel is out and your toes pointing in too much. Pain on the inside might mean your heel is in and your toes out too much. I have problems with my right knee and can change the angle of my cleat by only a mm or two and bring on outer or inner knee pain when just a tiny amount too much one way or the other. Is your knee pain on one side? All that said it is complex and could be a number of things including saddle height or all these things combined. Try and make small adjustments, don't change everything at once or you might make things worse.
  • It's always the outside off my left knee never my right it's weird any suggestions?? I have the spd sl pedals with the float the yellow ones not the red ones that are locked in solid so if its the outside off my knee that gives me grief which way should I move the cleats so the heal goes in a bit more?????? Cheers lads
  • damov2
    damov2 Posts: 66
    Great work on your first 50 miles!