Forking Confused
I have a well maintained 2007 Giant TCR Advanced SL that I find way too twitchy on fast descents. It has a 73Deg head angle and I believe the fork rake is around 45mm. I want to swap out the forks to make the ride more stable. Should I be going for a 43mm or a 40mm rake to increase the trail and thus slow down the steering? I am not troubled by toe overlap.
Road bikes are generally 43 or 45mm offset, and it's likely that -2mm will make much difference but without any firsthand experience of doing this with your frame, it's all hypothetical.Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..0
How long is your stem? Short stems can make steering 'lively'.
Fork offset is normally only altered as bike frames go up in size and is unlikely to change the steering characteristic.Yellow is the new Black.0