BBQ Spares?

The Northern Monkey
The Northern Monkey Posts: 19,174
edited February 2013 in The hub
Right. The new house has a big BBQ in the back, some brick built thing.

Only thing its missing is a BBQ rack.

Obviously, its a one off BBQ, so where the hell can I get a rack that fits?
Other than chopping up a Tesco trolley I'm stumped!

Yes, I know its not summer, lol!


  • Rucks
    Rucks Posts: 93
    When I was at uni, the trolley was king in our garden, modified to make a grill, loaded with coal job done, next day pick it up shake all the ash out sweep and its ready to go again,

    Just lop up the trolley can't go wrong for a quid ;)
  • anton1r
    anton1r Posts: 272
    I tried to find a replacement for my old no brand BBQ a while back and couldn't find one without using the power of ebay. ... 0604381300

    Considered these guys then gave in and bought a fancy new BBQ instead!
    "I have a plan, a plan so cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a fox." (from the Blackadder TV series)
  • Peeeeerrfect!!! Exactly what I was looking for!