Cleats...zoolander...and avoiding being run over!!!!

carsarescary Posts: 16
edited February 2013 in Road beginners
Hi everyone
New to road cycling. Very new. Gone the whole hog. cleats, gear and Tiban 3. Did 40 km (used to run so fitness not too bad)
Main issues
A question of turning right!!!
Anyone seen zoolander!! Can only turn one way on the catwalk!! I feel like that!
I can do left!! I have got stuck in on a mix of roads but its turning right. I am worried and had a near miss which scared me. I am ok but not used to road bike cycling. I worry turning my head to the right and looking behind me. When I do that I wobble and lose a sense of road position/awareness. Im not saying going to pieces... I find the bike SO light and responsive.

Any tips??

Clipless...yes. I will try and get used to them and yes...fell off
Thanks everyone

Also I ache on the outside of my knees!! Thats never happened before!!!


  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    You should find a really quiet road or even a car park and just practice cornering, gears, looking behind you and clipping in and out, before going out in busy traffic.
  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Try figures of eight in a quiet car park, vary speed & tightness of cornering. And don't forget to un-clip when you stop.
    Cycling weakly
  • skyd0g wrote:
    Try figures of eight in a quiet car park, vary speed & tightness of cornering. And don't forget to un-clip when you stop.

    +1 for that advice.

    Been riding and racing for 20+ years with no problems. Did my motorcycle test a few years ago and really struggled with turning one way. As we were on a circuit & had plenty of time I was told to spend an hour just doing slow speed circles both ways & figure of eights both ways. Finally got the hang of it, think it was more a slight adjustment to body weight and a boost in confidence. Only other thing I can suggest I learnt from motorcycling is to look where you want to be going and the bike will follow & its stops you looking down at your wheels.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.