New pensions law from Oct 2012



  • Will be opting out myself. As a risk-averse tightwad of a saver by nature, private pensions are about as unattractive a use of money as I can think of.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    He isnt kidding which is why I made the comment earlier in the thread, it will cost jobs !
    There are no winners here !

    As a rule, only scare tactics work, the government need to be honest with people, tell the young that they wont be able to live later in life, be truthful and let them do as they will, those that make provisions will survive, those that don't, wont.
    That sounds harsh but it is whats happening now except you know where you stand at an earlier age.

    I dont think the younger generation can moan anyway, the real sufferers are the ones coming to retirement age now who have been lied to all their working life and the chance to make alternative arrangements is long past.
    Living MY dream.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    i went from a final salary pension then Tupe'd across to a money purchase scheme (Pensions and redunduncy are T&Cs that dont get treated the same when forced to change employers) i will have paid in 60k into that by the time im 68 and i ll get a whopping £3500 a year!!!!
    now my State 2nd Pension is going so everyone can have a slightly higher basic pension..... SO quite honestly i couldnt give flying fxxk at a rolling doughnut for pensions, a complete con that makes Diamond heists look like honest living!
    But dont worry i have some houses!!!!! well at the moment at least :)
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    VTech wrote:
    As a rule, only scare tactics work, the government need to be honest with people, tell the young that they wont be able to live later in life, be truthful and let them do as they will, those that make provisions will survive, those that don't, wont.
    That sounds harsh but it is whats happening now except you know where you stand at an earlier age.

    no Vtech, those that dont make provision will get nice handouts and those that do and in the process of, will be taxed some more to pay for it.

    im off out to work now, to earn some more taxes, sorry wages.

    But...remember, we are ALL in it together.