Feeling cold

Peddle Up!
Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
edited February 2013 in Road beginners
I rode the Sunrise express yesterday. First decent ride of the year for me (75 miles) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wore appropriate clobber, eat and drank regularly and felt OK at the end of it, aside from a bit of leg and saddle ache. I had a cheese sandwhich and milkshake for recovery.

Today I went for a 20 mile recovery ride and felt OK, but now I feel cold, and I rarely feel the cold. Otherwise I feel OK so I don't think it's an infection coming on. Any ideas?
Purveyor of "up" :)


  • Maybe you didn't fuel as well and/or work hard enough to generate heat on the recovery ride so felt the cold more?
  • PS - If you find you are dead in the morning when you wake up its definetely something serious and I should have advised you to go to see a medic :shock:
  • I seem to struggle with the cold, went out and did 40 miles this morning and felt freezing the last 10 miles.

    My issue is i seem to sweat and then go cold because my base layer is wet.

    Took me 1 hour to warm up when I got back!!
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    PS - If you find you are dead in the morning when you wake up its definetely something serious and I should have advised you to go to see a medic :shock:

    If he does die in the night he will not wake up and you will not have to worry :D

    To the OP maybe it was just colder today?
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I waited until my wife got back from her early morning spin this morning...which meant I could go out at midday wearing just shorts/top for the first time this year...oh, and mitts! Glorious sunshine and when I caught the odd chill, I just pedalled harder. Return of the snow and ice at the end of the week, ho hum.

    Not sure if that helps you :)
  • I went out early this morning in the thick fog. I got the coldest I have been on the bike so far this winter though I have been out far lower air temperatures. It was miserable,and I cut the ride short. I think. The combination of cold and damp affected me and it has taken most of the day for me to start feeling warm again.
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Feeling fine this morning. I was never cold on the bike, just afterwards. Odd, but no lasting harm. :?
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Hi Peddle Up, I think it was just a sign that you were still recovering from the Snowdrop ride. If I do a tough ride then I try and take the next day off completely and then do a gentle recovery ride the day after that. Then the next day I can start building up again.

    I did the Sunrise on Saturday but was fine yesterday because I have been getting quite a lot of miles in lately. However, I will be taking today off even though the sunshine is getting me jittery and I want to get out on the bike after work. More hill training tomorrow night :twisted:
  • I've noticed after my longer rides that I tend to feel a bit cold, just sitting around the house when I never would ordinarily. I just associate it with my body recovering after the four hour assault it's had, and put a fleece on.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • I've noticed after my longer rides that I tend to feel a bit cold, just sitting around the house when I never would ordinarily. I just associate it with my body recovering after the four hour assault it's had, and put a fleece on.

    Not the only one, I don't mind the cold when riding but seem to notice it once in recovery mode otherwise known as feet up and tea drinking time.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.