greater fitness & bigger rides

adey8ball Posts: 25
edited February 2013 in Road beginners
hello all

after purchasing my triban 3 back in November and only struggling to do low 20 miler rides, i now seem to be reaping the rewards and getting fitter. on the 2nd of Feb i managed my first 40 mile ride with the local cycling club. this was followed by another 40 miler on 6th Feb. this ride was averaged at around 12MPH but the ride with the group was much faster at about 14.5MPH. this ride i think pushed me to my limit.

and today i completed my first 50 miler. averaged 11.9MPH and really chuffed with the improvements i have made.

anyway just wanted to share with other new cyclists




  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Well done Adey. Keep the ball rolling by gradually increasing those miles.

    We all started off as snails, so don't worry so much about your speed.
  • thanks for that

    well when i started i was struggling to average 10MPH. when i rode with the local cycling group during the weekday evening rides, i would always go in the 10s group. on my first 40 ride was with the 12s group due to them not running a 10s group on a Saturday. the second 40 as said was a total ride average of about 12 but the group ride was about 25 miles at about an 14.5mph average. now this ride today has really given me the confidence that i can ride with the Saturday 12s group as they may ride up to 45 miles at a 12 average. so hopefully more group riding will keep the rewards of greater fitness and losing weight coming.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Hi adey, well done that you have pushed through. I have been to the club a couple of times and had issues with the relative speed of the 10s and the 12s and it kind of dented my confidence. So I've been building up my endurance over the winter and hope to try again soon... A long way to travel from Lanson early on a Saturday just to get dropped on the first hill. Anyways that's just excuses so I need to mtfu and they are a great crowd
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    congrats,that some good progress and a first 50 is a huge milestone..keep it going.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • TommyB61
    TommyB61 Posts: 103
    Nice work Adey, well done.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Sounds as though it is going well, just don't get too hung up on the numbers and keep progressing.

    The distance and time in the saddle are more important than averages and top speeds in terms of developing when setting out.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Well done its a good milestone to tick off the to be completed list.

    As others have said build up slowly & spend your time enjoying your riding and not being a slave to the numbers as they will follow the work your putting in.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • Get in OP,...RESULT.
    the deeper the section the deeper the pleasure.
  • djm501
    djm501 Posts: 378
    Sounds about the same as my progress. I started back in late May last year and it took me about 3 months to really get going.
    I have now done two centuries and can average around 14-15 mph on long flattish rides - still down at 12 mph on hilly rides though.
    Going great guns mate - keep it up! :-)
  • Well done adey! Sounds about where I am at the moment. Like others have said don't worry too much about the numbers, sure it's useful info but as long as you enjoy yourself and have fun on the bike who cares lol wait till you get a gps and join strava...... Now that really depresses you :-)
  • MattyyP
    MattyyP Posts: 142
    Strava will also destroy your rides if you're anything like me and chase segments lol! Needless to say, I don't ride with it on most of my rides, else i'd probably be dead! :roll:
    Specialized Secteur Sport 2011
    B'Twin Rockrider 8 XC
    B'Twin Rockrider 9.1
  • I find Strava go to see that you are improving average speeds over longer distances. Well done you now need to focus on the Century!!