Back in the game..

MrWomaan Posts: 4
edited February 2013 in MTB buying advice
Hello all,

After a few years break to concentrate on bike / car licences etc in back in the game, and boy does it feel good!

During my teens I had a pimped up Kona Shred, the a Norco Torrent but they went to help fund the bike / car quest.

About a year ago I had enough cash to buy a (slightly) used '09 Cindercone and its better than I'd even imagined.

Come to the point tho where I've haggred the rear wheel and am in the market to replace it. Expecting to spend around £130, I started looking. It's come to my attention tho that there's nothing particularly good out there for that, or is there?

Looks like I'm going down the hope route ... Rear_Wheel

Found that and wondered what you guys more in the know think?

Plenty of road work, plenty of time on the back wheel (like a child- but hey I enjoy it) and fairly heavy duty XC work, including some small drops and also planning a trip or two to Chicksands NS stuff.

Gonna slap a SRAM PG950 on there for good measure.

On Winstanleys there's a vairety of rims with the Pro Evo2 hub, 521, 717, dt Swiss etc

Used to have Atomlab GI's on EX729's and loved them. Don't quite need the strength of a 729 but do want something that'll last.

So guys, in anticipation of your replys, whaddya think?

Thank for reading!
