Drum Roll, Boris said...............

Anonymous Posts: 79,665
edited April 2013 in Road general
No :-(

I did not get the RideLondon 100 magazine in the post today, but if you go on website you can log in and find out if you have a place.

It allows you to pay if you got a place and has a big red 'CANCELLED' if you did not.

Good luck ;-)


  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    What's to stop you riding it anyway if you wish, they are public roads.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The roads are closed for the event.
    That was one of the cool things about doing it.
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    Really, that's outrageous, it was ok to close the roads for the Olympics, but to do it on such a busy route for a sportive with participants of such differing levels is asking for trouble, day long road closures will get residents along the route hating cyclists more than ever, crazy.
  • Flasher wrote:
    Really, that's outrageous, it was ok to close the roads for the Olympics, but to do it on such a busy route for a sportive with participants of such differing levels is asking for trouble, day long road closures will get residents along the route hating cyclists more than ever, crazy.

    It'll be billed as a massive health-promoting, charity fundraising, Olympic-memory-reminding, feel-good day, and with the elite riders belting round the same (almost) route during the afternoon, it'll be a spectacle.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Flasher wrote:
    Really, that's outrageous, it was ok to close the roads for the Olympics, but to do it on such a busy route for a sportive with participants of such differing levels is asking for trouble, day long road closures will get residents along the route hating cyclists more than ever, crazy.
    Presumably the London marathon has had the same problem for years?
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    I'm just saying, I live in Surrey and loads of local residents were up in arms about the assorted road closures throughout Surrey for the Olympics.

    As cyclists we can be very myopic about cycling, this is the kind of event that will only reinforce peoples hatred of cyclists, being forced to not be able to go out in your car for the day will drive certain residents (even) madder against cyclists!
  • YES!!

    See you at the start line.

  • Flasher wrote:
    being forced to not be able to go out in your car for the day will drive certain residents (even) madder against cyclists!
    It might, but not doing it won't make them like them.

    I live close enough to the Twickenham Rugby ground for it to be a right PITA every few weeks, often two or more weeks in a row. Do I hate all rugby fans? No, I get over myself.

    If I was going to be "disgusted of Twickenham" about it, if it wasn't that it would be something else.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    It's not an argument, I'll go out for a ride whatever, I'm just pointing out there are others to consider!

    You choose to live in Twickenham knowing that there's a large rugby ground, there's a difference.
  • Flasher wrote:
    You choose to live in Twickenham knowing that there's a large rugby ground, there's a difference.
    Well technically I chose not to move away from Twickenham having lived here all my life, and when I bought my house 20 years ago there were no pop concerts and the ground was much smaller so the crowds were smaller.

    But yes, I'm not complaining, and I take your point.

    Avoiding every activity if it inconveniences anyone else would result in very little ever happening. Cancel the London Marathon, the London Olympics, all football matches, all pop concerts that take place near where people live, etc etc.

    It would be a very dull world, and I happen to think that live and let live is a better philosophy. Obviously there are limits, but I think most (nice) people tend not to be, rather than be, arses about something like this.

    I wasn't even a cyclist during the Olympics last year, and plenty of the roads I use routinely were shut for days. I didn't get up on any high horse, it's much better to just go with the flow - there's a lot more enjoyment to be had that way than moaning.

    And look, I'm a cyclist now. I definitely wouldn't be, were it not for the Olympics effect. Maybe there will be people that will get inspired to take up cycling by Ride London too.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • dab_32
    dab_32 Posts: 94
    I didn't get in, but it's not so bad as I couldn't do it for charity. I'm doing London-Paris in September so couldn't really ask for two lots of sponsorship in two months.
  • I also didn't get in :( Never mind, still the Dragon ride and Etape Cymru on my calendar. As for road closures, that's more NIMBY talk. One Sunday a year isn't going to inconvenience that many people and there'll be more than enough warning I'm sure, also if roads are closed, despite not getting in i'll be one of the 'many' effected
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    As for road closures, that's more NIMBY talk.

    Absolutely, not that I'm bothered personally, but many of my neighbours wont be at all happy. This is not a small area such as a football ground, concert venue etc. closed for 3/4 hours but 100 miles of specific closures with many many more roads being affected, and if like last year and the year befores test event not a rolling road blocks either but permanently closed roads from 6 in the morning until late in the evening with marshals/security being very strict and not allowing cars to cross the route even when cyclists weren't due for many hours, it was in a lot of instances, crazy.

    Permanently closing roads doesn't ingratiate cycling to the locals, it tends to piss them off, remember what happened at the Etape Caladonia a few years ago...........
  • nick1972
    nick1972 Posts: 144
    I went on the website but can't see where to log in. Help would be appreciated.
  • nick1972
    nick1972 Posts: 144
    No place for me. I'm considering the charity route..Congratulations to those who got a place
  • e17blade
    e17blade Posts: 215
    Pants. I'm not in either.

    To charity or not to charity......
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Click on events/ride 100, then click on 'enrties' then a drop down box with 'ballot'.

    Then click 'Pay Now'.

    Let us know ;-)
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Flasher, a career awaits you at the DM :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • Nick1972 wrote:
    I went on the website but can't see where to log in. Help would be appreciated.

    Go to Events - 100. Then Entries - Ballot. Click on 'Pay Now'. If it says Cancelled then you're not in.

    I'm in. Time to get training :D
  • well I didn't get in either although have signed up for a charity place as really want to do this.

    Congrats to all those that got in on the ballot.

    If anyone wishes to donate then please visit my page

    Cheers all.
  • RonB
    RonB Posts: 3,984
    Cancelled, but hey good luck to those who are in. Hope you get good weather on the day.
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    I am in!!! I never won anything in a ballot ever!!. Good job I didn't book a holiday for that time!! Best get training!!
  • That'll be a no for me too.
  • B.M.R.
    B.M.R. Posts: 72
    Thanks for the tip about logging in, I've just checked and I didn't get a place in the Ballot.

    Luckily as I was really set on doing this, I've got a place with a charity (MIND) already booked. Closed roads in Central London with a blast up Box Hill is just too good an opportunity to miss.

    Well done to those who managed to get in - if you didn't please consider a charity space - I've got to raise £650 to ride on the day, which is a reasonable amount but not too excessive compared to some (cough, London Marathon, cough).

    For what its worth, I hope anyone who decides to "crash" the route without signing up and paying gets caught out and thoroughly embarrassed.
  • Think I got in! Nice.
  • :)

    Happy Days!
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362
    Cancelled for me, but £40 to the NSPCC and Bob's my uncle. All I have to now is raise £700 (should be easy) and be able to ride 100 miles (erk!).
  • My partner and I are both in :D
  • B.M.R. wrote:
    For what its worth, I hope anyone who decides to "crash" the route without signing up and paying gets caught out and thoroughly embarrassed.

    Why? The prospect of raising £600 in donations could be near impossible for some, whereas others will just pay this outright themselves in order to enter. Whilst others have stated on this very forum that they could afford to pay the £600 donation but if given a place will not donate this to charity. At the end of the day it will be a profit making exercise for all involved, charities and private companies. All taking part on publicly owned roads.

    What happens if you don't raise the £600 etc. by the day and say only have £400?

    Dispatches in 2010 found that only 25p out of every pound raised by the London Marathon went to charitable causes, the rest went towards huge salaries and fees to private companies. The charities themselves have to purchase the places for a significant fee to then sell on for fundraising. If this event was really about charity why not give those places to charities? Sadly it's not it's about private profits made off the back of 'charity'.

    I tell you who I hope gets thoroughly embarrassed, those who were going to donate a significant amount to charity but got in on the ballot and now won't.
  • jonomc4
    jonomc4 Posts: 891

    Can I be the first to ask if anyone wants to pull out or has a spare entry - please pass it on to me - I will meet the costs!