Can I get some money out if Anglian water?

boogi11 Posts: 354
edited February 2013 in The cake stop
Ok, on the 12th dec I reported that the path outside my house had collapsed, on contacting Anglian water they confirmed the drain had collapsed. They said the work would be 2 weeks. The work is due to be finished next week, this will be 8 weeks. So far they have removed and rebuilt a £4000 wall. And replaced a fence, all good so far. But due to not supporting the 30ft hole they dug, the ground moved ripping the gas pipes to my house and four others out of the main gas main, we had three gas leaks, the most serious the police and fire brigade had to close the road for 10 hours, finally the gas board had to stop Anglian water working for a week while they replaced all the gas mains. But prior to that the highways agency stopped the gas board working as the street light outside my house had to be removed as it was falling over due to lack of support. The water board also dug through the electricity cable to the house twice! I should also mention that I live on a main road and have had three way traffic lights outside my house for seven weeks, with boy racers wheel spinning away from the house at all times of night.

Do I have a claims for co pens ation from Anglian water, and how much? Who can I turn to for help in this


  • Turn to either a bloody good property lawyer or if you cant afford one consider the citizens advice bureau as their legal staff are often lawyers doing a free session for the CAB.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    Sounds like a right balls up but I don't know what you could claim for:

    Have you lost out financially in any way? If you were a business and you could show you lost trade while they were doing all the work they would probably compensate you. If they've rebuilt everything and made good any damage then I guess as far as they're concerned they've done everything.

    If your gas or electricity has been off for any amount of time and you pay a standing charge on your bill you might be able to claim that back off the gas/electric company. It will only be a few quid though.

    After they've finished work, any stuff they've put back into a hole will settle. You might want to keep note of the condition of everything when they leave, then if any cracks appear in a few months time you'll have more chance of getting them back to put it right.

    You could always write them a stern letter saying how disappointed you were with the way the works were carried out. Bear in mind the water companies offload most of their work to construction companies so they may not know what's been going on.
  • Not a leg to stand on unless you can show a direct loss IMO.

    They did inconvenience you a bit but by the sound of it, its the gas board and leccy that will be claiming on the water boards insurance.

    Its always worth a try but expect a rejection. It'd be like trying to claim compensation from the folks infront of you in a traffic jam, complaining that they stopped you getting more work done by delaying you.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,129
    you could ask for free water for a year, but judging by their performance i'd worry about them supplying it all at once :-)
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • boogi11 wrote:
    Ok, on the 12th dec I reported that the path outside my house had collapsed, on contacting Anglian water they confirmed the drain had collapsed. They said the work would be 2 weeks. The work is due to be finished next week, this will be 8 weeks. So far they have removed and rebuilt a £4000 wall. And replaced a fence, all good so far. But due to not supporting the 30ft hole they dug, the ground moved ripping the gas pipes to my house and four others out of the main gas main, we had three gas leaks, the most serious the police and fire brigade had to close the road for 10 hours, finally the gas board had to stop Anglian water working for a week while they replaced all the gas mains. But prior to that the highways agency stopped the gas board working as the street light outside my house had to be removed as it was falling over due to lack of support. The water board also dug through the electricity cable to the house twice! I should also mention that I live on a main road and have had three way traffic lights outside my house for seven weeks, with boy racers wheel spinning away from the house at all times of night.

    Do I have a claims for co pens ation from Anglian water, and how much? Who can I turn to for help in this

    don't talk wet.

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  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    One thing that gets on my tits is this claim claim claim culture.
    Get over it....

    Why do we have to follow Americans???
  • boogi11
    boogi11 Posts: 354
    Percy Vera wrote:
    One thing that gets on my tits is this claim claim claim culture.
    Get over it....

    Why do we have to follow Americans???

    Because Anglian water put my bill up to 60 a month, then take 9 still unfinished weeks to do a job with unskilled subcontractors, if I'm paying a premium I expect a premium service.
  • boogi11 wrote:
    Because Anglian water put my bill up to 60 a month, then take 9 still unfinished weeks to do a job with unskilled subcontractors, if I'm paying a premium I expect a premium service.

    I wasn't aware they were working for you - I thought they were working for the water board. maybe if you offered to pay for the job to be done 'properly' they could add that to your bill. At £60 a month I guess you have a swimming pool, or have an exceptionally smelly family requiring continual showers ;) Thats three times our water rates and we have a big house.
  • boogi11
    boogi11 Posts: 354
    edited February 2013
    So if you don't have a 60 quid bill, maybe you need more baths, and if they were not working for me maybe they should have not smashed my drive to pieces.
    I did pay for my drive to be done properly, waiting three months for my choice of builder , to build my wall, they have provided me with a builder , who has built a wall with no damp proof, and the closest brick he could find to the one they smashed up.So you are entitled to your opinion. But I'll stick with with mine please, They are useless
  • boogi11
    boogi11 Posts: 354 ... .04.16.jpg

    Please see attached a picture of their work, this was the day I told them I could smell gas, and they said they could not smell anything and went home, then the police were called out by a neighbours four doors down, who called the fire brigade, the police closed the road and evacuated us. Turns out the unsupported hole had collapsed and ripped the gas main out of the main supply.