North Wales Natural rides - Any ideas?

shaunlfc1 Posts: 132
edited February 2013 in Routes
Hi all,

Spending Easter based just outside Wrexham with 5 friends. Looking to do 1 or 2 natural rides along with Brenin and probably LLandegla.

I have a route out of a magazine that is south of LLangollen (Eastern Berwyns) which looks good. Certainly do not mind driving 30 mins or so, perhaps there are good rocky, scenic rides near Ruthin, Mold etc....??

Any ideas, routes would be greatly appreciated. loops around 20-25 miles would be good. Not into hours of bog trotting or hike a bike but dont mind a bit if the end result is worth it.




  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Check out the ridetheclwyds website, they have loads of routes of varying length. The Clwyds are famous for being muddy but the hills (and descents) are big :wink:

    The Berwyns and the Ceiriog Valley are also good:
    The Wayfarer route is a classic out and back route, mostly gravelly/rocky but with a few really big wet sections. You can make it into a loop but the bridleways are a bit rutted and boggy in places.
    The Ceiriog Valley has a lot of good paths but you need to link them up with roads, you can generally make up a route so the climbs are on tarmac and the descents on single/double track.
  • The 'ride the clwyds website is now 'Ride North Wales' and is a great place to start for some cracking rides if your using the Wrexham area as a base.

    the site now has an Iphone app to make downloading the maps easier.