Interval training at Regents Park -Partner needed

TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
Hey guys,

Quick intro: I usually do my interval work around RP(london) since it's local to me and the traffic level is relatively low. Last year I was lucky enough to bump into people occasionally who were up for doing turns on the front. This year however, not so lucky.

So, if there's anyone interested, I'm looking for a partner who is willing to take turns on the front riding at threshold pace. For about 60-90mins at 23-30mph.

Would like to do this once a week. I have my interval sessions scheduled for Wednesday, however, I'm happy to swap it round to either Thursday or Tuesday to suit others. Ideally, best time to train would be afternoons/evenings. Earlier the better.

If the above doesn't quite suit you, we may still be able to sort something out, so give me a shout!


  • Doing 37 to 48km/h for an hour and a half? That's pretty quick. Would be OK with that for 20 mins, but not for 90!

    (But I'm not near Regent's park anymore though...!)
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Ideally, the avg would be about 24mph between the two riders for about an hour or less. 23-30mph is just a rough idea of the fluctuations which are quite doable around RP's smooth, flat roads.

    You're right, 90min is long! :mrgreen: However, it's something which can be worked towards.

    I was riding with 2 chaps 3 weeks ago around RP. One was a cat2, not sure about the other - both were superb. We avg'd 26mph over 40mins or so. Although I stated "partner", 3 riders in total would be the optimum.
