Getting Dropped on fast Group Rides.



  • nolight
    nolight Posts: 261
    More training purpose, it is better to be worst of the best than best of the worst!
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    nolight wrote:
    More training purpose, it is better to be worst of the best than best of the worst!

    Actually I think you will find that what you describe IS the same person :wink:
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • You are a member of the club. Start your own ride and advertise rough speed and distance. People will join you from both ends ........ the fast crew may have people with hangovers, colds, can't be botherdness etc. But advertise it as a slightly faster ride that you won't get dropped from.

    On a Sunday we have three rides. 'Base' which is either base for some or a good work out for others. Or the old lads who do longer and try to keep the climbs down to two or three. Then the race crew, which drop people. Saturday there are even more.
  • hill repeats...