new shoes & cleats-basic question

BigLights Posts: 464
edited February 2013 in Commuting general
My commuting shoes (Speciazed BG Tahoe) with SPD cleats are basically at the end of their life. However, i've spent a long time getting the cleat positions just so.

How does one make sure cleats on new shoes are in exactly the same spot? Apologies if there is an obvious answer to this one.

Many thanks.


  • jeepie
    jeepie Posts: 497
    I've got one of those paint pens and just mark around the cleat and take it off, plus a quick photo on camera phone just in case.
  • Sharpie magic marker is what I use.

    Your shoes have a rubber "rail" that runs down either side of cleat you could always use a ruler horizontal across the top and bottom of the cleat to make your mark & use to ensure the new cleats are in the same position.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.