Have you ever been assaulted by a motorist?

curium Posts: 815
edited February 2013 in Commuting chat
I was assaulted on Wednesday evening on the commute home from work. At about 17:30.

I had just left work and was cycling down Highgate hill when I stopped at the traffic lights at the junction of Magdala Ave. There is an advanced stop line there but a car was half in it. I went around him and stopped in front.
When the lights went green he accelerated away aggressively clipping me with his off-side wing mirror. Unfortunately for him the lights at the bottom of Highgate Hill were also red (where it joins the Archway gyratory) so he had to stop again. I freewheeled down the hill and stopped next to him.

Again he accelerated away aggressively only to again get stopped by another red light (there are at least 4 of them going around the gyratory). There was a bus lane at this set of lights so I pull up in the bus lane to the left of him and shout "How's that working out for you?" He shouted something along the lines of "you think you're fucking funny don't you? Well it won't be funny when I run you over!" So I said "come on then" to which he responds by doing a 3-point turn to better angle himself towards me. When he realises that I'm not moving he decides that he can't quite bring himself to run me over so leaps out the car and comes over to push me instead. He then gets back in his car. I then state that this is assault and that I'm going to call the police (not that they'll do anything!) and walk around to the driverside to get him to stop. He leans out the window, punches me on the nose and drives off down Holloway Rd before turning down a side-street when he realises that there is a lot of traffic.

I continue my journey home via Holloway Rd and because Arsenal are playing Liverpool that night, there are some police vans parked up. I report the whole incident to one of them who writes it all down in his notebook and radios the registration number to control.

Not heard anything and I don't expect to. The punch didn't hurt but I'm just fed up with the increasingly aggressive attitude of drivers I encounter on my 12 mile ride to work (SE3 to N19).
Ironically had I just cycled through the 1st red light none of this would of happened. Damned if you do, damned if you don't?

Anyway be on the lookout for an aggressive driver driving a Silver Volkswagen Scirocco with the registration number SD60 AYJ


  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    As I understand this:

    You antagonize someone that is already clearly angry/aggressive and then the aggressor does something to you when you encourage them further?

    I cannot condone the actions of the driver at all and you have done the right thing. I am sorry you have had such an awful experience, yes there are a few 'nutters' out there.

    FWIW - Over the years I have come to the conclusion; after a serious punch up where I broke the guys jaw (there is a thread on here about it), that their are nutters out there and it only takes 1 of them over-reacting to make my wife a widow.

    You did the right thing, however, sometimes it is better to keep it to yourself and not encourage any further for your own safety....You can still report them. Some guys carry cameras for this reason, although mostly I think it is for their own arrogance and self-importance/one-upmanship on the motorist- i.e. I got you back on youtube....
  • curium wrote:
    So I said "come on then"

    It's probably not the response you are looking for here, but where I come from that's "fighting talk". After he had accepted your challange and got out of his car you are supposed to have a fight...

    Nope, never been assulted by a motorist. I once issued a palm up "WTF?" gesture after being cut up at a roundabout though.
    '12 CAAD 8 Tiagra
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    gtvlusso wrote:
    As I understand this:

    You antagonize someone that is already clearly angry/aggressive and then the aggressor does something to you when you encourage them further?

    I cannot condone the actions of the driver at all and you have done the right thing in reporting the incident. I am sorry you have had such an awful experience, yes there are a few 'nutters' out there.

    FWIW - Over the years I have come to the conclusion; after a serious punch up where I broke the guys jaw (there is a thread on here about it), that their are nutters out there and it only takes 1 of them over-reacting to make my wife a widow.

    You did the right thing, however, sometimes it is better to keep it to yourself and not encourage any further for your own safety....You can still report them. Some guys carry cameras for this reason, although mostly I think it is for their own arrogance and self-importance/one-upmanship on the motorist- i.e. I got you back on youtube....
  • Drfabulous0
    Drfabulous0 Posts: 1,539
    curium wrote:
    So I said "come on then"

    It's probably not the response you are looking for here, but where I come from that's "fighting talk". After he had accepted your challange and got out of his car you are supposed to have a fight...

    +1 You called him out, you should have taken advantage of the fact that you are presumably in better shape than the average motorist and were probably wearing a helmet and just beaten him up. It's the only language some of these idiots understand.
  • I had a similar incident where a driver pushed me up the curb, I caught up with him and had a go etc etc (in rather less polite terms than you used above).

    The result was him making several attempts to run me down, and then pulling ahead, getting out of his car, and trying to punch me off the bike. I ended up cycling between the offside gutter and oncoming traffic to avoid him.

    Luckily I passed a police car, though he still got out of his car and swung for me when I was standing with two police officers. The experience was pretty terrifying.

    Now I don't get shouty with big men in 4x4s, it's not worth it. Just shake your head and carry one. Report to the police as need be, or get your insults in and disappear in traffic fucking sharpish.

    Actually the other day a bloke in a golf pulled up very very close behind me, inches from my back wheel. When I looked round at him he wound down the window and said "WHAT" rather aggressively. I said, polite as you like "ah your just a bit close to me mate that's all". He apologised and rolled his car back a foot immediately.
  • zx6man
    zx6man Posts: 1,092
    Best try to avoid the escalation if its ignored they may go away, but If he gets out of his car then let him have it I say...

    I give this advice although cannot follow it, I too offer them to "come on then"....
  • curium
    curium Posts: 815
    Was discussing this with a mate and I realised that car users in the UK (and probably most developed countries) have a similar mentality to gun owners in the USA.
    They are unwilling to see any diminution in their rights as car users and will resist any attempts to do so whether it be in the form of laws to protect cyclists or increases in the cost of fuel. They have a powerful lobby that will prevent government making any meaningful changes to the law to give better protection to cyclists or make it a priority for traffic police.
    The government (including Boris) talk up cycling because it gives them green points, saves wear on roads and cuts congestion but they won't put their hands in their pockets or pass any legislation that may upset the car lobby.

    It just feels that as a cyclist commuting through London it is a daily war and, despite the taxes I pay, nobody is interested in my problems. I just have to put up with it.
  • It's all because Hitler built the first motorways for the Nazis and made driving the car too easy.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • gtvlusso wrote:
    <snip> Some guys carry cameras for this reason, although mostly I think it is for their own arrogance and self-importance/one-upmanship on the motorist- i.e. I got you back on youtube....

    Could you always append this with "Except Kieran"? It would make me feel so much better :wink: (yeah, I know I have a couple myself...)

    Right - now being serious: you escalated an issue and unfortunately became the victim of an assault, but your escalation was a mistake that you paid for.

    Some things you just have to let go - as above: you have to realise that you are vulnerable and it only takes one nutter to leave your family missing a loved one. You can be assertive but try and be aware of when this steps over into aggressive.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • daddy0
    daddy0 Posts: 686
    Yeah, back in December a WVM ran me off the road by pulling up along side me at 25mph and veering into me (on purpose). He then got out and as I was getting to my feet he pushed me over for good measure. When I didn't react he just shouted at me for a bit and threatened to run me over etc... I thought I had the whole thing on helmet cam, but the memory card had run out of space 30 seconds before hand :-( I'd just like to point out that I'd done nothing wrong, I gave way to other vehicles when it was safe to do so, but then had to take primary which the WVM thought I wasn't entitled to do.

    I reported it to the police. They took a statement and details of two witnesses. I waited a month for a reply, which I got the other day. I thought they were going for ABH and a few other offences, but the letter said it'd been referred to the traffic police as it involved a vehicle(s), but they had insufficient evidence to follow it up. I guess this is how they get their crime stats down - I'm guessing its been marked as "not a crime" or "solved"? I'm going to chase it up next week though.

    Once an angry motorist gets out of the car then its best get away if you can, jump the red lights, or ride the wrong way up the road. If you can't get away then get off the bike ASAP and adopt some sort of karate stance whilst saying "calm down mate, I don't want to hurt you" and prepare yourself for a fight. If you do get in a fight remember, you're probably a lot fitter and more warmed up than they are, so don't be scared and teach them a lesson (a firm kick to the hurty bits should be enough)! If they come at you with a weapon, which I have heard of before, then leave the bike and run.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Hate to say but there have been countless posts on this forum same as this.

    You provoke the guy (as said saying 'come on then' does constitute offering them to have a go) and wonder at the consequences of your actions.

    Yes the other fella had no right to punch you but by that stage surely if you wasn't going to have a go back you do the off? You don't go up to his window and start spouting off about calling the police.

    Simple case of put up or shut up.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Daddy0 wrote:
    Yeah, back in December a WVM ran me off the road by pulling up along side me at 25mph and veering into me (on purpose). He then got out and as I was getting to my feet he pushed me over for good measure. When I didn't react he just shouted at me for a bit and threatened to run me over etc... I thought I had the whole thing on helmet cam, but the memory card had run out of space 30 seconds before hand :-( I'd just like to point out that I'd done nothing wrong, I gave way to other vehicles when it was safe to do so, but then had to take primary which the WVM thought I wasn't entitled to do.

    I reported it to the police. They took a statement and details of two witnesses. I waited a month for a reply, which I got the other day. I thought they were going for ABH and a few other offences, but the letter said it'd been referred to the traffic police as it involved a vehicle(s), but they had insufficient evidence to follow it up. I guess this is how they get their crime stats down - I'm guessing its been marked as "not a crime" or "solved"? I'm going to chase it up next week though.

    Once an angry motorist gets out of the car then its best get away if you can, jump the red lights, or ride the wrong way up the road. If you can't get away then get off the bike ASAP and adopt some sort of karate stance whilst saying "calm down mate, I don't want to hurt you" and prepare yourself for a fight. If you do get in a fight remember, you're probably a lot fitter and more warmed up than they are, so don't be scared and teach them a lesson (a firm kick to the hurty bits should be enough)! If they come at you with a weapon, which I have heard of before, then leave the bike and run.


    D-lock the cnut
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,336
    curium wrote:
    Was discussing this with a mate and I realised that car users in the UK (and probably most developed countries) have a similar mentality to gun owners in the USA.
    They are unwilling to see any diminution in their rights as car users and will resist any attempts to do so whether it be in the form of laws to protect cyclists or increases in the cost of fuel. They have a powerful lobby that will prevent government making any meaningful changes to the law to give better protection to cyclists or make it a priority for traffic police.
    The government (including Boris) talk up cycling because it gives them green points, saves wear on roads and cuts congestion but they won't put their hands in their pockets or pass any legislation that may upset the car lobby.

    It just feels that as a cyclist commuting through London it is a daily war and, despite the taxes I pay, nobody is interested in my problems. I just have to put up with it.

    I like the analogy, but the AA and RAC are a long way from the NRA nutters. I've only once done anything more than shout and give the universal hand gesture for WTF?, and in response, the guy chased me up Clapham High Street and then blocked me into the kerb and started throwing things at me. Lesson learnt.

    However much you might need to vent about the injustice of it, it is Just Not Worth It.The set of aggressive drivers intersects almost perfectly with the set of nutters who will start a fight with anyone over anything. There is no reasoning with them; they will not back down, and they will not see your point of view.

    Lastly, it's really not that bad.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • zx6man
    zx6man Posts: 1,092
    D-lock the cnut

    Then use your puncture repaire kit to glue up his eyes and mouth.... then tell him you are going to take his car and run him over
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,767
    As others say it's not worth it. I got into a row with someone, he got out the car and I intended to stand my ground. When I saw he had a claw hammer in his hand I scarpered sharpish. If you can't get away make sure you get off your bike and keep your bike between you and them.
    Some people are twunts, some are a lot worse.
  • zx6man
    zx6man Posts: 1,092
    Lastly, it's really not that bad.

    Lastly, this is 100% correct :-)
  • daddy0
    daddy0 Posts: 686
    dhope wrote:

    D-lock the cnut

    Thats what I was trying to say :wink:
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    I n answer to the title yes, I have. Twice.

    I probably didn't help the situation in one instance but that doesn't excuse the assaulter.
  • curium wrote:
    I pull up in the bus lane to the left of him and shout "How's that working out for you?" He shouted something along the lines of "you think you're ******* funny don't you? Well it won't be funny when I run you over!" So I said "come on then"
    curium wrote:
    I'm just fed up with the increasingly aggressive attitude of drivers I encounter on my 12 mile ride to work

    The irony is strong in this one.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • bushu
    bushu Posts: 711
    martial arts has taught me to calm down a lot and control my own temper but as said before you cant argue with an idiot an most people trying to bully cyclists thinking we're some sort of easy target, therefore deserve a slap..

    I don't think most you lot help shaving your legs & wearing lycra, then proceeding to try reason with a tw@ :lol:
  • curium
    curium Posts: 815
    curium wrote:
    I pull up in the bus lane to the left of him and shout "How's that working out for you?" He shouted something along the lines of "you think you're ******* funny don't you? Well it won't be funny when I run you over!" So I said "come on then"
    curium wrote:
    I'm just fed up with the increasingly aggressive attitude of drivers I encounter on my 12 mile ride to work

    The irony is strong in this one.
    Everyone seems to be giving him a pass on deliberately swiping me off the first set of lights for doing nothing more than trying to occupy the ASL...
  • curium wrote:
    curium wrote:
    I pull up in the bus lane to the left of him and shout "How's that working out for you?" He shouted something along the lines of "you think you're ******* funny don't you? Well it won't be funny when I run you over!" So I said "come on then"
    curium wrote:
    I'm just fed up with the increasingly aggressive attitude of drivers I encounter on my 12 mile ride to work

    The irony is strong in this one.
    Everyone seems to be giving him a pass on deliberately swiping me off the first set of lights for doing nothing more than trying to occupy the ASL...

    Not at all. He was the one that was out of order, but if you are going to instigate a confrontation then you need to do more than become a victim and then run to the Teacher. Either stay out of his way or take him on... there isn't a middle ground.
    '12 CAAD 8 Tiagra

  • Not at all. He was the one that was out of order, but if you are going to instigate a confrontation then you need to do more than become a victim and then run to the Teacher. Either stay out of his way or take him on... there isn't a middle ground.

    When the hell did you become Yoda?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter

  • Not at all. He was the one that was out of order, but if you are going to instigate a confrontation then you need to do more than become a victim and then run to the Teacher. Either stay out of his way or take him on... there isn't a middle ground.

    When the hell did you become Yoda?

    At about 35 I think...
    '12 CAAD 8 Tiagra
  • curium wrote:
    curium wrote:
    I pull up in the bus lane to the left of him and shout "How's that working out for you?" He shouted something along the lines of "you think you're ******* funny don't you? Well it won't be funny when I run you over!" So I said "come on then"
    curium wrote:
    I'm just fed up with the increasingly aggressive attitude of drivers I encounter on my 12 mile ride to work

    The irony is strong in this one.
    Everyone seems to be giving him a pass on deliberately swiping me off the first set of lights for doing nothing more than trying to occupy the ASL...

    Yep. Because your actions escalated things, not his.

    Big guess. When he clipped you, were you (a) riding 1-2m from the kerb; (b) playing at being a roadblock?

    Never mind. I know the answer.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • I think we (cyclists) are at risk of being litteraly run off the roads if we keep cow-towing to aggresive motorists. If an idiot driver tries this with me I call him on his poor standard of driving. If he is hell bent on assaulting me he had better be ready to have some back with interest. Same as all bullies, they don't like being smacked back. I may get a bit of a kicking, but he will have a bent nose and swollen bolox - he may think twice about having a go at another 'vulnerable' road user.
    I'm not a big bloke, 5'2" and nearly 53years old, I will not be intimidated off the road, and neither should any of you.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,336
    vitesse169 wrote:
    I think we (cyclists) are at risk of being litteraly run off the roads if we keep cow-towing to aggresive motorists. If an idiot driver tries this with me I call him on his poor standard of driving. If he is hell bent on assaulting me he had better be ready to have some back with interest. Same as all bullies, they don't like being smacked back. I may get a bit of a kicking, but he will have a bent nose and swollen bolox - he may think twice about having a go at another 'vulnerable' road user.
    I'm not a big bloke, 5'2" and nearly 53years old, I will not be intimidated off the road, and neither should any of you.
    He won't, on that, I would put money. It's the old adage about dragging you down to their level, and then beating you on experience. And you risk a lot more than a kicking, while you stand to gain nothing.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,960
    I consider deliberately aiming a vehicle at a cyclist or pedestrian is an assault. On that basis, five times.

    Once trying to reason with a Canadian driving a pickup after we both had to stop to avoid a collision he'd nearly caused. He aimed a misdirected punch towards me and drove off. A pedestrian offered to call the police and support me, but I couldn't be bothered. I was just annoyed I hadn't managed to grab his arm.

    Once by a professional guy who really looked like he was going to have a heart attack. He was close and revving at a set of lights. I remember looking back and seeing what was probably a cocaine face - just a sort of wild uncomprehending stare. It wasn't personal though - he side swiped several of us and then cut up a number of motorists and ran a red light. I imagine he's currently running Barclays.

    Once by some young fellows wearing interesting designer jeans and driving an Acura, who thought it would be funny to try to run me into parked cars, honk horns and brake test me, in a queue of traffic. Eventually I decided to fail the brake test in a controlled manner and put a dent in his boot lid. He was very angry, got out and realised he was about a foot shorter than me, which amused his passenger.

    Once by a bus driver in Glasgow, who subsequently opened the door and told me I deserved it for holding him up. He was fired I believe. CCTV was in the cab for his protection.

    Once by a driver in the sticks in the Scottish borders. He tried to pass me into oncoming traffic (quite a feat given the almost total absence of traffic) over the brow of a hill, locked up, nearly came through me and nearly lost control of his trailer. So incensed was he at my being there and forcing him to oncoming traffic, he came alongside, said something in Scottish and rammed into me. Sadly I never found out who he was.

    Note, all of this has happened over a 20 year period, so in reality once every 4 or 5 years, someone has aimed a car at me. So, once every 20,000 miles or so.

    The only time anyone's done me any serious harm it is was careless but unintentional.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Note, all of this has happened over a 20 year period

    That's a relief, if it had all been in one week it might put a person off. :)
  • Where did the OP want to get to so urgently that he/she had to be a micro second in front of a car. You're in the open air, he's in a metal box, you've won already - just enjoy the ride. :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.