Track Nuts

Psykel Posts: 6
edited January 2013 in Road buying advice

I wanted to ask if you might help me... I have a Charge plug ( road model 2010 )
The rear Axle nuts ( Track nut ) have become worn. I bought a pair of 10mm nuts ( The rotating washer kind )
But they won't fit - too small. Just a fraction too small.

I wrote to Charge - they confirmed that both axles ( rear and front ) were 10mm? ( In fact, 10 x 1mm )
I've been to three local bike shops - all have stared very blankly at my request for a replacement or knowledge of them?

Where can you buy these babies... and why is it so tricky to locate info on them?

With many thanks in advance,


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    modern rear track nuts are typically 10mm thread and expect your Charge to be no different. Check you haven't been given old style 3/8" ones or 9mm fronts by mistake
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Psykel
    Psykel Posts: 6
    Thank you - Monty Dog!