Armstrong - just not a very nice man really

Yossie Posts: 2,600
edited January 2013 in The bottom bracket
Doesn't really paint a nice picture of anything he does really. What a cnut.

In Tyler Hamilton’s recent book, ‘The Secret Race’ the author, a fellow cyclist, accused Lance Armstrong of bullying members of his team into using banned substances. The whole of the cycling world is waiting to hear what Lance Armstrong will tell Oprah tonight – but what will he confess to doing?

One thing that he probably won’t tell Oprah is that the foundation he created, and headed until very recently, was nominated as one of the ten worst trademark bullies in America last year. You can access the full list here: ... brand.aspx



  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    I posted this up earlier after hearing it on the radio. The bloke is just a nasty piece of work. Don't take my word for it though, here's what his own mother thought of her young son.

    Here's an extract from a Paul Kimmage article in the Observer, Saturday 19 January 2013,

    In the autumn of 1993, Greg LeMond and his wife, Kathy, were sitting at home in the suburbs of Minneapolis, when they received a visit from Linda Mooneyham, the three-times Tour de France winner has recalled. Her 21-year-old son, Lance Armstrong, had just become the world champion and she had travelled from her home in Texas for advice.

    "What does he do now?" she asked. "What does he do with his money?"

    "Well, let him find an agent – a good one with an attorney," LeMond replied. "And one word of advice – just be his mom."

    They sat on the porch for a while and then moved inside to the kitchen. Linda had something else on her mind: "How do I make him less of an asshole. He doesn't care about anyone."

    "Well," LeMond replied. "I can't help you there."
  • Got to agree here, but then, most if not all people at the top of their game - be it politics/sport/business - are not particularly nice people. They are totally focused on that part of their lives, to the exclusion of all else.
    LA was apparantly beaten by his step father on a regular basis which will have not helped his personality...
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    vitesse169 wrote:
    ...most if not all people at the top of their game - be it politics/sport/business - are not particularly nice people. They are totally focused on that part of their lives, to the exclusion of all else.

    'Lance Armstrong: American Psychopath': ... psychopath

    'Armstrong, a cancer survivor and an inspiration to millions, was shown to be deceitful, manipulative and remorseless -- many of the telltale signs of psychopathy...the characteristics of mental toughness, fearlessness, ruthlessness and the ability "to focus remorselessly on a goal" are straight out of sports psychology textbooks. These characteristics, if properly managed, can build world-class competitors.'
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    vitesse169 wrote:
    Got to agree here, but then, most if not all people at the top of their game - be it politics/sport/business - are not particularly nice people. They are totally focused on that part of their lives, to the exclusion of all else.
    LA was apparantly beaten by his step father on a regular basis which will have not helped his personality...

    That's an often quoted stat, but is there actually any truth in it? For every Armstrong there'll be an Indurain...
  • verylonglegs
    verylonglegs Posts: 4,023
    Garry H wrote:
    vitesse169 wrote:
    Got to agree here, but then, most if not all people at the top of their game - be it politics/sport/business - are not particularly nice people. They are totally focused on that part of their lives, to the exclusion of all else.
    LA was apparantly beaten by his step father on a regular basis which will have not helped his personality...

    That's an often quoted stat, but is there actually any truth in it? For every Armstrong there'll be an Indurain...

    Too often it's used without much evidence imo. Steve Redgrave? seems ok from what we know. Paul Scholes? hates attention, keeps his head down and has a sackful of medals. Cricketers? A fair few of them seem like affable characters. I think because some of the more unpleasant sportspeople are likely to sell papers and generate interest is why we hear more about them and it's mistakenly touted that you need to be like that to be successful.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    He's a very bad man.
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    I hear that an "Armstrong like" character on BB has started bullying an Italian bike manufacturer over a trademark issue so much so that the poor bike manufacturer has had to resort to selling its bikes through Halfords to raise enough money to fight him in the courts.

    Apparently the mods tried to silence him recently but to no avail. I'd tell you who it is but I'm too scared...

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    vitesse169 wrote:
    LA was apparantly beaten by his step father on a regular basis which will have not helped his personality...

    Infrequently (and always in the presence of his mother) and the same punishment was doled out at his school. Armstrong himself is quoted as saying he can actually only remember himself it happening was once (though that wasn't the only time). Seems a weak explanation for a dire personality! Armstrong himself doesn't seem to regard it as out of order for the time.
    Faster than a tent.......