CPS v Bhamra

cookdn Posts: 410
edited January 2013 in Commuting chat
Martin Porter

This caused Mrs Cookdn to get rather upset last night. We both commute by bike (her daily). If we lived in Solihull our lives would be valued at £35 and 3 penalty points each. Absolutely shameful.

The case came into a conversation at work and my normally level headed colleague launched into a diatrabe about RLJ cyclists, road tax and insurance. The thing is that this guys lives in North Nottinghamshire, not central London. I can't imagine he sees enough cyclists on the road to see a RLJ once a month, never mind as a daily occurrence.

Why do normally reasonable people have such extremely negative views about cyclists. Is this the media, a sick car culture?
Boardman CX Team


  • I don't think it's just a car culture. Victim blaming happens in other situations: "They should've known better than to walk there that time of night" or "she was wearing a short skirt" or even "if the teachers had been armed ...". It's easier than acknowledging that there's a problem.