Tour winners who get done for doping...

the_bing Posts: 11
edited January 2013 in Pro race
Maybe a silly question...

If a rider wins the TDF then gets done for doping and subsequently stripped of his title, does the second place get it?

It just doesn't seem to get much mainstream press, or maybe i live in a box...


  • thomthom
    thomthom Posts: 3,574
    That's the normal procedure, yes.
  • the_bing wrote:
    Maybe a silly question...

    If a rider wins the TDF then gets done for doping and subsequently stripped of his title, does the second place get it?

    It just doesn't seem to get much mainstream press, or maybe i live in a box...

    Usual practice is yes e.g. Scarponi awarded the '11 Giro after Bertie got stripped, ditto Andy Schleck and the '10 Tour. Different situation with Prance because of the number of riders in 2nd/3rd place during his Tours who were done themselves so UCI decided not to reassign the 7 wins.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    As long as it has air holes, you'll be just fine.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 21,567
    Kloden hasn't been done though and he finished second within the 8 year statute of limitations, so there are some double standards at play. I am not for a minute saying that I think Kloden was clean, just that he is yet to be sanctioned and that there is little difference between this and Scarponi in 2011.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    ASO have already declared that no winner will be declared for the TdF 1999-2005. After Landis was stripped of his victory and it awarded to Oscar, information has come to light that he wasn't exactly clean either.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • FocusZing
    FocusZing Posts: 4,373
    the_bing wrote:
    Maybe a silly question...

    If a rider wins the TDF then gets done for doping and subsequently stripped of his title, does the second place get it?

    It just doesn't seem to get much mainstream press, or maybe i live in a box...

    That's the joke of it, the person who came in second, third...most likely took peds/blood doped too.

    After the 100 metre record when Ben Jonson was caught, many years later only two of the eight runners remained clean (or were not caught).
  • Eddie72
    Eddie72 Posts: 33
    Where it gets really fun is the "hokey cokey" method for awarding grand tour wins: 2005 Vuelta winner is Heras, no wait it's Menchov, hang on no it's really Heras, oh never mind I give up...