chasing food

freddiegrubb Posts: 448
edited January 2013 in The cake stop
In a pub recently having a meal & nearby americans were eating, we were okay with knives & forks but as seen on tv./films the americans cut up the food & then proceeded to chase it around the plate, garden peas & forks don't go together.Anybody know how/why this habit started, seems very inneficient.


  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    My guess is that they just aren't particularly well-versed in the art of knife and fork use. Have you ever seen that programme in which Jamie Oliver goes to the USA to try to teach them all not to be fat? He went into a school he found that the kids were all eating food with their hands and when he first suggested that they should be given knives and forks, the dinnerlady couldn't believe that in England we would let our primary school children use such dangerous implements.
  • johnfinch wrote:
    My guess is that they just aren't particularly well-versed in the art of knife and fork use. Have you ever seen that programme in which Jamie Oliver goes to the USA to try to teach them all not to be fat? He went into a school he found that the kids were all eating food with their hands and when he first suggested that they should be given knives and forks, the dinnerlady couldn't believe that in England we would let our primary school children use such dangerous implements.
    As opposed to an automatic assault rifle then......? :wink:

    I read somewehere that in the frontier days knives doubled as forks, but I've also read that it was a deliberate act to distinguish from the hated Brits, or that it perhaps originated from the politeness of putting down a "weapon" at the table. Who knows frankly.
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