Controversial, what do you think?



  • pesky_jones
    pesky_jones Posts: 2,890
    A dog is a dog and it can attack anything at any point - even the best trained guide dog can turn aggresive if it wants to.
    Sharker69 wrote:
    Now do you think dogs should have muzzles when off the lead?
    If you know your dog has a tendencie to actually bite and attack, then yeah sure put a muzzle on, but if not then no - thats stupid. The story at the begininng must of been hilarious to watch.
  • My dog is at his happiest when on the trails with me - he loves it. He is very focused and only loses concentration when i stop and something catches his eye or nose. But it's about being sensible, and some of the comments one here are not. If you own a dog you must put effort in to social and obedience training (owners need it to). you cannot expect to go out in to the countryside and let your dog off lead without giving itand you the skills and social behaviours to make the experience mutually enjoyable. Basic recall, how to walk on the lead, and social skills are a must. My dog is well trained but will have selective hearing at times - he loves everyone and in to everything - so I'm always mindful of this and ready to react if his enthusiasm is not reciprocated. When it comes to horses and roads I take no chances and he's on lead in good time for his safety and others - trust in these circumstances is a killer.

    In and around my local bridleways and trails we have so many people - riders, walkers etc., and on the odd occasion you meet people who are "not doggy" or people that shouldn't own one! A bit of education goes a long way in these circumstances. Don't run (chase mentality and they think its fun), don't ride off in terror (chase mentality and they think its fun), don't hurt it unless its trying to hurt you (save it for the owner), don't let your phobia rub off on your kids (irrational fear is not hereditary). As is the way of the world - the stupid acts of the few often ruin it for all but saying that all dogs should be muzzled or on a lead is utterly stupid.
    Family, Friends, Fantastic trails - what else is there

  • Lots of sensible stuff
    Completely agree - I could have written this about mine, and I speak as someone who was scared of dogs from a very young age until I got one.

    Saying that every dog could potentially attack someone and so they should all be permanently on a lead is akin to saying that every person could potentially murder someone so everyone should be locked up just in case.

    Mind you, considering some of the views I read online, I'm not entirely convinced that's a bad idea...
    ::'11 Pitch Pro::
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    But aren't dogs meat to be on aleash ina public area, isnt it required?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    But aren't dogs meat?
    I believe they are in Korea, and most kebab shops.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • DanDax1990
    DanDax1990 Posts: 1,201
    Idiots who say their dog would never bite are idiots. How can you say that?

    Dogs that were well trained and their owners said that they'd never bite have gone on to kill people before nevermind bite.
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    I'v got a Airzound horn on my commuter, works a treat with dogs.
  • very good point. usually i just ignore it as dogs generally don't scare me and i usually get on well with them. but some nob was walking 2 rotwiellers both off thier leads as i rode past not long ago. one was oblivious to me but the other followed me. i slowed down hoping the owner would call it, he did but it didn't go back. it got in front of me and i had to stop and it started barking at me. one of the few times i've ever been scared of a dog. the owner found it funny til i swore at him and threatened to throw my bike at the dog if he didn't move it out of my way...... needless to say he moved the dog. he looked at me like i was the one in the wrong though?!

    no one should ever feel threatened because someone doesn't know how to control their own animal. next time the warning will come earlier
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    I did some commuting years ago in Sicily and regularly had dogs chase me, sometimes a pack of em late at night! Scared the bejeesus out ofme but brought my fitness/sprinting on no end!

    So as a training tool the bad uns are great!
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    I was out yesterday, came up on a bloke with 2 dogs off the lead. In lieu of a bell, i smashed through a couple of iced over puddles by way of an audible warning that i was coming. He had his young son on his shoulders so didn't hear me.

    As i got nearer, the Spaniel looked at me and went back to chewing a branch. Then as i went to pass on the grass, i called "Coming by on your left", the bloke stopped & turned a little startled. I don't know if that was the cause, but then the Spaniel starts barking and run towards me, going for my feet.

    The owner quickly started firmly calling the dog away. The dog was mouthing my right foot and (in hindsight, not the thing to do. I thought it might of been play-fighting) i stopped. The bl00dy thing them properly bites me just above the ankle. It hurt a bit and i let out a bit of a whimper, mainly out of surprise. The guy put his child down and grabbed the dog by the collar and apologized profusely. I gave it "Ah well, dogs is dogs etc. Don't think he got me too bad.". And carried on my way.

    It was only when i got home that i inspected my leg, to find that the bite had been enough to draw a small amount of blood. Considering i was wearing tall socks, tights and waterproof over-trousers, the blighter must have meant it. All i can say is, the guy is lucky that it bit me and not someone who would have the thing destroyed.

    At the end of the day, i can forgive a dog. I have seen humans do more stupid/inexplicable things when trying to pass.....
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Your lucky though,

    Imagine it wasn't a little nipper but a large German Shepard or something. Bye bye ankle :?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Not that lucky as you will now die of tetanus or rabies or bad aids worms.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Ultimately the owner is responsible. I own a mad border collie, who loves people, and I trust her completely. She understands the rules we lay down because she is trained and obedient. However that doesn't stop me taking precautions if I see cycles, children, or any similar situations - she is still a dog (who loves running with me blasting on the bike :) )

    Equally if a couple of guys come flying out of no where at insane speeds where I have as much right be with my dog, it would probably scare the crap out of me too, its not fair for the dog or owner to be held accountable for something making her jump like that, best of a bad situation maybe....

    I avoid areas where I'm not meant to be as a dog owner, so when I'm in a legit place, it's fair to expect the same courtesy.

    And remember - dog owners are human, so some do give a rats ass that they do the right thing, and train there dog etc, and some don't, same with people on bikes!
  • wmorgs
    wmorgs Posts: 113
    I own two GSDs and i find that cyclist even the Green laners on their motorcycles give me time to get the dogs on leads . . . . . .
    But loads time of come up against horse riders and dont give me the time or even slow down to get dogs on leads and i sometimes think serves em right if dog got scared and went for them or horse.
    But as normal it would be the dog owners fault.
    I go to the trouble of training classes with dogs and then you get someone with a little terrier saying is he/she safe and i say your dog is more inclined to bite.
    Dogs as in humans can be arse's at times, my missus is yet to house train me as i still pee on floor in toilet in nights :oops: