Ever feel like a Domestique?

captain_kelly Posts: 35
edited January 2013 in Road general
The last few times I've been out on weekend rides with mates I keep finding myself as the one they hide behind in head winds and heading up any hills.

When they do come up and on to the front generally the speed seems to slow too, all I'm asking for is a bit of effort.

This weekend however took the biscuit, a couple of guys up ahead pootling along at the base of a hill, looking like they knew what they were doing. I caught up to them and went straight past, only to find that suddenly they were sat on my back wheel, about half way up I turned and asked if they wanted to get in front and was greeted with 'no you're doing a good job' I kept going and once at the top the pair of them went past chatting on their way.

They gunned it so much that I couldn't latch on to the back of them, bunch of #%><'s

I don't mind putting in the graft up front when it's my turn, but things being the one constantly having to keep the pace up and help everyone else up hills is getting a bit tiresome now.


  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    You need to practice your "I'm knackered" expression - watch some videos of Thomas Voeckler for inspiration. Drop your head between your shoulders and start weaving from side to side and then when the other riders come through latch on to their wheels and enjoy your ride to the top.
  • are you Ian Stannard?
  • Peeing on the move is usually enough to convince even the most ardent wheel sucker that there's merit in taking a turn at the front.

    However, yes, I do often feel like a domestique on the rare occasions I convince some of my non-cycling mates to come for a ride. I get to carry all the bottles (because none of them have cages on their bikes), all my flapjacks and bananas get scoffed, and I get to play windbreaks because I "know where we're going... lead on",
  • I should 'fess up to a bit of shameless wheel-sucking yesterday.

    I was out on my own and got overtaken by a group of about 8 guys on a roundabout. They took me by surprise a little, coming past me left and right - one of them had the grace to say 'sorry' - but it was fine, I just held my line (and my breath, for a moment, if truth be told) and all was well. Anyway, I latched on to the back and carried on for a mile or so.

    However, the group split, and all but the front two were going slower than I wanted, so I went past what was by then the second group and sprinted a bit to latch on to the front two (it felt all pro - I pretended I was bridging up to a breakaway :oops: ). After a few miles we all pulled up at a red light and I thought I ought to thank them for the pull. They turned round when I spoke, and there was this very comical double-take when they realised that a complete stranger had somehow taken the place of their whole group.

    Well, it was funny at the time... :oops: :roll:
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • thefd
    thefd Posts: 1,021
    Why worry about a it and get yourself so stressed out over it? If it is your mates just tell them.

    Sometimes these things will happen with strangers!
    2017 - Caadx
    2016 - Cervelo R3
    2013 - R872
    2010 - Spesh Tarmac
  • LegendLust
    LegendLust Posts: 1,022
    The last few times I've been out on weekend rides with mates I keep finding myself as the one they hide behind in head winds and heading up any hills.

    When they do come up and on to the front generally the speed seems to slow too, all I'm asking for is a bit of effort.

    This weekend however took the biscuit, a couple of guys up ahead pootling along at the base of a hill, looking like they knew what they were doing. I caught up to them and went straight past, only to find that suddenly they were sat on my back wheel, about half way up I turned and asked if they wanted to get in front and was greeted with 'no you're doing a good job' I kept going and once at the top the pair of them went past chatting on their way.

    They gunned it so much that I couldn't latch on to the back of them, bunch of #%><'s

    I don't mind putting in the graft up front when it's my turn, but things being the one constantly having to keep the pace up and help everyone else up hills is getting a bit tiresome now.

    Sounds like they did. You were stitched up like a Kipper!
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    No,I'm quite happy with my wife...
  • On the plus side look at the extra training your putting in over your mates - suggest you take them racing in the summer and dish out some pain to them, either that or tell them to man up and does some of the work.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.
  • Look at it this way all the extra graft you are putting in now, will pay off once the season starts.
    Never understood the logic of the guys who shilly-shallied around on training runs........
    To quote a much used cliche "No pain no gain".

    Pull all tricks in races, then use all that extra fitness gained from burying yourself on the front during training type runs.
  • Just enjoy riding your bike. Don't overtake someone and then be pee'd off because they don't do their turn. Slow up and let them drag you along. Otherwise, unless you can "blow 'em into the weeds" don't overtake.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • every day at work......
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Sounds like you are a stronger rider than they are so just accept that they can not repay the effort at the moment.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • I always find ripping a fart of biblical proportions helps in this instance. Especially if you have recently consumed a protein shake.
  • thefd
    thefd Posts: 1,021
    I always find ripping a fart of biblical proportions helps in this instance. Especially if you have recently consumed a protein shake.
    Risky strategy that one.... You may produce more than just gas :D
    2017 - Caadx
    2016 - Cervelo R3
    2013 - R872
    2010 - Spesh Tarmac
  • Remember that the real reason you go cycling with mates is to rip their legs off when and if the opportunity arises. Play the game, note when a climb you all know is coming up and just jump them early. Keep doing this as pride is a big motivator but kicking your mates is even better. :wink:
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • calmx5
    calmx5 Posts: 230
    TheFD wrote:
    Risky strategy that one.... You may produce more than just gas :D

    Getting hit in the face with a load of s*** might just work as well.

    Yes, I ride naked
  • You've got to take risks to harvest the rewards. It's each man for himself on the climbs.
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    Spent an entire 27 mile ride yesterday as a wheelsucker, wasn't being obtuse I just spent the entire ride hanging on for dear life!!
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Remember that the real reason you go cycling with mates is to rip their legs off when and if the opportunity arises. Play the game, note when a climb you all know is coming up and just jump them early. Keep doing this as pride is a big motivator but kicking your mates is even better. :wink:

    This. Do a Jens Voigt.
  • Crispyapp
    Crispyapp Posts: 344
    The thing these days is a lot of new cyclists have no idea of etiquette and don't know how to ride within a group. I bet these same riders are the type to sit and half wheel you as well.....

    It's simple, stop pedalling and let them come round you. And half wheelers just grab hold of their jersey and pull them back.
    Look 595 ultra - F+F for sale.....
    Cervelo r5
    Kinesis T2 2013 winter bike
    Merida Carbon 1500 flx MTB
  • Crispyapp wrote:
    The thing these days is a lot of new cyclists have no idea of etiquette and don't know how to ride within a group. I bet these same riders are the type to sit and half wheel you as well.....
    I don't half wheel people, honest guv. :oops:
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • Joeblack
    Joeblack Posts: 829
    I don't know why it bothers you, you've got to go up the hill anyway, just see it as your getting fitter and stronger than they are
    One plays football, tennis or golf, one does not play at cycling
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,657
    edited January 2013
    If you did nothing to encourage them on to the front then it's all your fault ;)

    Do a bit of weaving around, elbow flicking, pointed swings out to let them come through followed by confused looks when they don't, slow down, speed up and just generally act like an arse, let them decide what is more worth it!

    Edit - when I say flicking, I mean a rapid, pointing movement with the elbow. BR is offended by the word apparently...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    lol who really cares if someone is on their wheel. Just ride at your own pace and let them do what they like.
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    Are you Chris Froome?
