Can I fit wider tyres?

nammynake Posts: 196
edited January 2013 in Road general
Currently using 23mm Conti GP4000s. I'd like to try something a bit fatter over the winter but I have Crud Roadracers fitted, which obviously don't have loads of space. Has anyone fitted 25mm tyres with the Cruds? Not sure if wheel profile plays a role too? I am using Fulcrum Racing 5's.



  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Perfectly possible but totally dependant on your specific frame.

    I have 25mm Gatorskins fitted to Ambrosio Excellights on my CAAD with cruds fitted - its tight but does run clear.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • nammynake
    nammynake Posts: 196
    Frame is a 54cm Specialized Allez.
  • 25mm Contis + cruds fit fine on my 2004 Allez and 2007 Langster.