Pro Vibe seatpost and saddle rail compatability

johnnymcg259 Posts: 569
edited February 2014 in Workshop
Just bought the Shimano Pro Vibe uni directional carbon seatpost and have struggled and failed to fit the clamp mechanism to the saddle (Selle Italia SLR with carbon rails....which are slightly oversized but not mega!). Does anyone know if I need a clamp that takes into account oversized rails or if one even exists from Shimano Pro? The website doesn't say much but the leaflet that came with the post said 'check the clamp fits your saddle rails'.

Odd thing being that I had the previous incarnation of the Pro Vibe post and that fit the same saddle rails without any problems (other than the saddle occasionally slipping and tilting back whenever I hit a pot hole etc.......which is why I'm moving to the newer model as the clap looked a bit more solid).

I tried to ring Madison UK just now but I think they are Mon-Fri types only as got the answerphone.

Any advice or theories welcome until I phone them again on Monday. cheers!


  • Mccaria
    Mccaria Posts: 869
    The Vibe should come with two sets of clamps - one slightly smaller for round rails (steel, titanium etc) and one for the larger carbon rails. Both sets were in the box my seatpost arrived in. Having said that I couldn't get my carbon railed saddle to fit to my satisfaction even with the larger clamps - it really didn't clamp well and I was concerned how it would perform - Saddle was Selle Italia SLR Team. Ended up using it with a saddle with round rails.
  • Thanks for that, my seat post came with just the one clamp.............
    I'll contact Madison in that case and see if I can get the larger clamp but from your experience that doesn't sound too promising either?!
  • Mccaria
    Mccaria Posts: 869
    The fit was incredibly tight. Wasn't comfortable with that tight a fit on the clamp for carbon rails. Probably being conservative, but never had such a tight fit with other seat posts so decided not to risk it.
  • I don't really want to have to change saddle just because of a new seatpost, saddles being such a personal choice and I do get along quite nicely with the Selle Italia SLR. Madison might advise further I suppose?
  • Popped into Evan's cycles in Leeds city centre today and they kindly rang the importer - Madison for me. No joy as Madison stated there is only the one clamp size - end of! The mechanic at Evan's had a go at trying to get the saddle onto the seatpost but with nadda luck.
    Does anyone have an email address for Shimano '' please as I can't find a contact email on the website, simply just a euro based telephone number and address?
    Sheeeeesh....what a mission to get a saddle set up!
    Whilst waisting my time I also had a look at the Argos/Shimano,Team type whatever?! pro team website who are sponsored by Pro. The bikes on there show ProVibe posts set up with their saddle sponsor - Selle Italia......the same combo I'm trying to match up! So if they got it to fit there must surely be a way?
  • Just a quick update incase anyone ever has the same problem in future; Pro do manufacture a clamp to accommodate oversize saddle rails! I contacted the Argos Shimano team in Holland and hey presto! They were really helpful and replied with the info on the same day. I had to buy the clamp as an after market product but all's well that ends well. :D

    I just have to recover from my ongoing back injury (slipped disc) which has seen me off the bike for nearly 2 months now :cry: to be able to road test the new seatpost.
  • Hej. I have the same problem. Just bought a seat with 7x9mm rails, and i cant fit in to the seat post. Can u please give me the contact? #Help