Salute London cyclists!

Marcryan206 Posts: 116
edited January 2013 in Road general
Hi guys

I drove from my not so busy town up through London today and I just don't know how you do it?! I find my traffic crazy on the bike. I don't know how you don't get squashed?! Did see some good cyclists holding up our rep! But one guy just went straight through a crossroads and it red mad man!!
Just thought id say hats off and stay safe up there!!


  • Careca
    Careca Posts: 95
    I don't know if I got lucky but I found London a breeze. Crazy, like a computer game, but a breeze. Despite all the chaos the drivers seemed to look out for cycles and motorcycles. Wish they did where I live.
  • Yeah it's not that bad tbh. I'm more nervous riding in the suburbs or countryside as at least in central London, the drivers expect you there.

    basically it's what you're used to!
  • Don't go for every gap, and remain calm and its fairly easy really.
  • After a while, you just tune in.
    Orange Crush AM 15
    Airnimal Chameleon Ultra
    Planet X Team Alu
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,541
    it's mostly ok, ride defensively, treat others with respect and it's generally returned, if anything it feels like drivers give cyclists a bit more space than a couple of years ago

    there'll always be a few idiots/bullies, or people driving without looking, but they can crop up anywhere

    usually, it's the potholes and ruts that scare me more
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    The most annoying thing is the bloody traffic lights. Ride for a few metres, stop. Ride for a few metres, stop. I'm used to being able to bowl along for hours and hours without touching the ground with my feet!
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • Careca
    Careca Posts: 95
    Since the congestion charge I find London very pleasant to drive/cycle/motorcycle round.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,822
    I find I'm at my best in London traffic after a few pints. Everything wizzes past in a blur like a computer game and I feel invincible!

    It's all practise. I commute every day so you soon get used to it.

    1.) Make sure your bike is in good working order, specially the brakes.
    2.) Don't mess about with buses or lorries.
    3.) Might is always right.
    4.) If you're not sure about a manoeuvre, don't bother.
    5.) Always size up your opponent before engaging in road rage :wink:
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Ill remember those tips for when I do the dawn sportive for help the heroes in June! But I'm sure there will be plenty of people doing it so traffic won't miss us lol!!
  • ricky1980
    ricky1980 Posts: 891
    central london is ok, most of the time the cars/vans/trucks don't go very fast or stationary therefore leave you plenty time to think and react to situations. Also if there is a coming together it is usually quite minimal damage to us...however in the suburbs or outside the socalled "inner M25" then you get nutty drivers who likes to go as fast as possible and jump lights/pedestrian crossings etc, that's when it is a bit of a cat/mouse game. I prefer to do my weekend rides really early in the morning so that there are less traffic for one and for two the cars on the road are generally not in a hurry i.e. not been aggravated by long queues so they are quite mild mannered and therefore less likely to hit me
    Road - Cannondale CAAD 8 - 7.8kg
    Road - Chinese Carbon Diablo - 6.4kg