Custom Build - Surly Long Haul Trucker

ls119 Posts: 17
edited January 2013 in MTB buying advice
*Custom Build Surly LHT – Which components to replace for Long Distance/Expedition Touring

I'm currently looking into purchasing a new touring/expedition bike and have decided on the Surly Long Haul Trucker for its strong reliable frame and low off the shelf price. I have only heard good things about this bike and feel it would be best for my needs and requirements and low budget for future long distance touring plans next year. However I wish to custom build this bike and am looking for advice on components I should perhaps consider for Long Distance Expedition Touring.

My current ambitious plan is to take a year out from work and university and to cycle tour down from the UK to South East Asia. How far I will actually get will be budget permitted of course, but ideally I need a bike strong enough that it can see me through a year of travels and being away from home and to be used daily through the different types of terrain I will encounter along the way.

Due to the type of touring I will be embarking upon I will be custom building the bike and to build to own specification to suit my touring needs, as the standard off the shelf LHT I feel won’t be fully up to the task. Things like custom wheel build, better suited tyres, new V-brakes, saddle etc are things I feel I need to change from the standard stock components.
I am fairly new to the world of bike touring so any further advice anyone can provide on this or components I should consider for long distance touring to this extreme would be most welcome. :)
