LBS bike or one with more rep

Azhar Posts: 247
edited January 2013 in Road general
Good Morning,

I'm really sorry but this is another "what bike" thread. Thinking of getting a new bike later on this year and my LBS, which is Paul Hewitts in Leyland, has some pretty decent in-house made bikes. I took my own bike there to be serviced and repaired and he did an amazing job of it and also got a bike fit from there. I am tempted to support my LBS and buy one of their bikes and I think some of the bikes do come in at £1k. But, when i've read other threads they all talk about "should i get specialized, cube, focus, ridley?" etc and I'm wondering would it be better to buy a bike such as those that cost around £1k or use that £1k to buy a Hewitt Bike?

I'm jst thinking in terms that a bike like focus, cube etc will have much better components on it and better life compared to the LBS? ohh i dont know...anyone have a bike made by their LBS?


  • lotus49
    lotus49 Posts: 763
    Your LBS may put the bike together and they may even make the frame but they won't be making the groupset so you can check with them what they would use. You shouldn't assume that it will be inferior (although it might be).

    It's worth asking them who will make the frame as well. There are some first class frame builders in this country but more likely it will be one they buy in from Taiwan.

    Once you have this information you will be in a better position to make a comparison.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Anything put together by Paul Hewitt would be worth considering - nice LBS to have.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • His advice is probably worth gold... no Wiggle on this planet will give you that. Having such a class act as LBS, I would make full use of it. Maybe you will get slightly less for your money in terms of specs, but you will get a properly fitted bike, adequate for your riding and the support of one of the best mecahnics in the country.

    No brainer
    left the forum March 2023
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    +1 for the class act, he is very good.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Good enough for Wiggo...
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Azhar
    Azhar Posts: 247
    Tanks for your replies guys. I think I will support my local lbs...I don't really mind that its not a specialised or cube or whatever. A long as it can get me from a to b without too many problems then I mig just do it they are expensive so might go in for a closer look.

    Thanks again,

  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    You must have picked up by now that Paul Hewitt is excellent and well renowned (not to you obviously).

    Honestly anything that he builds and puts his name to will be absolutley better that a generic 'mass produced' product with a few stickers on it.

    Be warned though, once you step into the Alladins Cave that is Paul Hewitts Shop you will spend money :-)

    Don't let the outside appearance fool you...there are far too many nice shiny things within those shabby walls.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Werbo
    Werbo Posts: 109
    I use a local one in Birkenhead cycles, it's local to me and they do what you ask. No sales man no bullshit just go in get what you ask for and be done. I'm happy that way.