Hair removal - How do you go about it?

smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
edited January 2013 in The cake stop
Now we are into the new year, I'm starting to get back into race mood. So off come the cold weather tights and on go the shorts.

Problem there is I got to start shaving my legs again. What are everyone's preferred method of hair removal? Razor, creams (Veet) or good old wax? Interested to know how masochistic people are.

If anyone says they stay au naturale, please include an address so we can come around and point at the yeti


    MTBUK Posts: 146
    The joys of being a Roady..... or rather not :S....... lighter fluid and a match?
    Orange 5 Pro 650b 2014
    Orange Crush 650b 2014
  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,160
    In my mind Veet will always be linked inexorably with its excellent reviews : ... B000KKNQBK
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    At the start the hairless season I normally treat myself with a nice Veet session. After that I normally shave them.
  • pb21 wrote:
    At the start the hairless season I normally treat myself with a nice Veet session. After that I normally shave them.

    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    Pleased to say that I'm spared all that mullarkey, my legs grow hardly any hair.

    I suppose they came out in sympathy with the top of my head. :roll:

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • mr_goo
    mr_goo Posts: 3,770
    Please explain to me why amateur roadies who don't race and simply put in the miles for enjoyment and challenge feel the need to shave their legs?
    Always be yourself, unless you can be Aaron Rodgers....Then always be Aaron Rodgers.
  • Akirasho
    Akirasho Posts: 1,892

    Here in the States, we're constantly bombarded with TV ads proclaiming an end to baldness via all manner of things from drugs to paint... while at the same time, seeing ads showing how to get rid of the pesky lady 'stache and underarm plague!!!! Peoples is never satisfied.

    I don't have hairly legs so that's never been an issue per se... went bald around 30 and what's left is greying... I'm gonna leave well enuff alone.
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    Mr Goo wrote:
    Please explain to me why amateur roadies who don't race and simply put in the miles for enjoyment and challenge feel the need to shave their legs?

    I don’t feel the need, but I do it because I prefer the look and feel, why not do it?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,162
    Bit early in the year to be thinking about it for me as winter doesn't seem to have started yet! I tend to shave, got Veet for men this year but struggle with it to be honest - it takes some patches off really well while refusing to do ther bits. First of the year is usually a run over with hair clippers and then shave. Might try waxing this year though, I think I could pursuade the Mrs to do it for me as it involves causing me pain. I hate body hair in general and would gladly have it all permanently removed as I've hit the stage where it is growing in unwanted places to replace the stuff dropping out of my head :(
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Mr Goo wrote:
    Please explain to me why amateur roadies who don't race and simply put in the miles for enjoyment and challenge feel the need to shave their legs?

    Covered ad-infinitum on this fora.

    I dont shave my legs, and likely never will, but i think nothing of guys who do. It's fine to want to look "pro" and that's all there is to say about it.

    I wear fancy expensive oakley shades in preference to cheap ALDI ones simply because i feel they make me look more "pro" and that gives me enjoyment.

    So, i think it's fine if an amateur cyclist wishes to shave his legs, even if he's not a great cyclist.
  • Well, the hair on my head is doing a pretty good job of removing itself thanks. :lol:

    As for my legs, when I bother it's the trusty razor.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Serious question. Does Veet work/ is it safe to use on your balls? A lady friend has promised to do unspeakable things to me if I lose the hair.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306

    This might put you off....

    I can't stand body hair so have mine waxed at a local beautician every 6 or 7 weeks. She really enjoys doing it!

    There is veet for sensitive areas which I have used on my tender bits with no side effects

    Missus thinks I'm weird, I think she's right... But it's my body and has nowt to do with cycling
  • random man
    random man Posts: 1,518
    I've never bothered shaving my legs but if I did I'd probably start off with a hedge trimmer :D
  • Akirasho
    Akirasho Posts: 1,892
    seanoconn wrote:
    Serious question. Does Veet work/ is it safe to use on your balls? A lady friend has promised to do unspeakable things to me if I lose the hair.

    I find it interesting that you found it necessary to mention the gender of your... friend. In reality, I think it's your dog and a jar of peanut butter!!! EWWWWWWWW!!!!!
  • seanoconn wrote:
    Serious question. Does Veet work/ is it safe to use on your balls? A lady friend has promised to do unspeakable things to me if I lose the hair.
    Veet does remove hair very effectively, however, it stinks.

    Whatever you do don't apply it to your knackerbag. :shock:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Its January ? Who's wearing shorts already ? I'd only bother shaving my legs if it looked like its going to get warm and its not for a couple of months yet.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Akirasho wrote:
    seanoconn wrote:
    Serious question. Does Veet work/ is it safe to use on your balls? A lady friend has promised to do unspeakable things to me if I lose the hair.

    I find it interesting that you found it necessary to mention the gender of your... friend. In reality, I think it's your dog and a jar of peanut butter!!! EWWWWWWWW!!!!!
    Erm no :roll:

    Nutella works best :D
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    Razor. Maintain standards all year round.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,091
    Most heads were made perfect, the rest they covered in hair !

    Must say I have been shaving my legs for donkeys. I'm past racing but I still shave.
    A) If you do get a cut or gravel rash, its easier to sort and maintain
    B) If you're like me and use balm (especially in spring when the wether can't make its mind up), shaved legs are easier to apply balm to - and easier to wash off. Up here in midge land, Midges + Balm + Hair = The itch from hell. When the hairs aren't there to trap them, its not so bad (they do not like the smell of Tiger Balm).
    C) I don't find that you get a proper imprint of the big chain ring on your calf muscle with hairy legs, its a bit blurred.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    Most heads were made perfect, the rest they covered in hair !

    Must say I have been shaving my legs for donkeys. I'm past racing but I still shave.
    A) If you do get a cut or gravel rash, its easier to sort and maintain
    B) If you're like me and use balm (especially in spring when the wether can't make its mind up), shaved legs are easier to apply balm to - and easier to wash off. Up here in midge land, Midges + Balm + Hair = The itch from hell. When the hairs aren't there to trap them, its not so bad (they do not like the smell of Tiger Balm).
    C) I don't find that you get a proper imprint of the big chain ring on your calf muscle with hairy legs, its a bit blurred.
    big rofl! I love these inventive 'reasons' why leg shaving is 'necessary'. There's only ever been one reason the likes of you or I do it - VANITY.
  • I rarely shave mine but when weather is good enough to lose the bibtights or leg warmers i do like to shave my pins. Personally i just think it looks better, lycra & leg hair just looks odd. Who actually cares though???

    For me it's just the same clippers i use for me bonce. Anything else i would just feel even less of a man.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I am going to start all this malarky when the season starts (shorts? We haven't had winter yet although it was a balmy 10 deg here today). The main reason for me wanting to get rid of hair is that I seem to spend quite a bit of time looking after my legs for some reason or another, massaging when sore or getting physio treatment on them when injured. I also use suncream in the summer (being ginga) so all of the above are great reasons to remove hair so that any oil/unguent/suncream/ultrasound gel, etc., don't get all flipping messy and matted.

    When I had an off on Dartmoor earlier I ended up with a bad chainring cut and the nurses had to try and remove some of the mass of hair so that the sticky stitches would stick...not a pleasant thing at the time and something I would rather be proactive about in case of another incident.
  • steerpike
    steerpike Posts: 424
    Rofl! For the once or twice in your life that dressing a wound might be ever so slightly easier - a lifetime of shaved legs.

  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    C) I don't find that you get a proper imprint of the big chain ring on your calf muscle with hairy legs, its a bit blurred.

  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Hairy and proud !
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • GGBiker
    GGBiker Posts: 450
    Mikey23 wrote:

    This might put you off....

    I can't stand body hair so have mine waxed at a local beautician every 6 or 7 weeks. She really enjoys doing it!

    There is veet for sensitive areas which I have used on my tender bits with no side effects

    Missus thinks I'm weird, I think she's right... But it's my body and has nowt to do with cycling

    For anyone who hasn't read the amazon Veet reviews linked above, please do if you have a warped/puerile sense of humour, some real gems there and enough to keep me laughing out loud in public places for days so far.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    steerpike wrote:
    Rofl! For the once or twice in your life that dressing a wound might be ever so slightly easier - a lifetime of shaved legs.

    Is it vain to present oneself appropriately?
  • I am a bit ashamed to say this, especially since reading everyone else’s opinions but I have started getting laser hair removal...into my 3rd session of around 6. The Mrs goes to this beauty salon regularly for this and that and after I had been complaining about shaving my legs one night she just said "when I next go to the salon why don’t you come with me and you can ask about getting laser hair removal". To be honest it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would and I am seeing results. Not sure If it will remove all of them but from what I was told it should get rid of most of them. Please dont laugh lol...
  • hahahaha just read the amazon Veet reviews!!!