Richmond Park - Night

Coldcorn Posts: 36
edited January 2013 in Commuting general

I'm going to get back into commuting and my route takes me via RP.

I've cycled through quite a while ago at night and it certainly was dark. Has anyone ever had any issues with cycling through RP when dark (other than avoiding deer) - (I usually leave the office 6-8pm)?


Felt F2 Di2 [2012]
Verenti Millook


  • Just came through , no probs just watch out for deer on the road.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    ...and Fenton :lol:
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Clarion
    Clarion Posts: 223
    The only issue really is the culls - November & February, according to the website. I love going through RP once in a while (and I do it weekly in summer), as it extends my ride from 19km to 35km, even if I just pass through without doing a circuit.

    Might ride through tonight.
    Riding on 531
  • Went through tonight, nice break from traffic :).

    I take it the park is completely closed off during the culls? Or open and you just don't wear antlers whilst riding ;).

    Felt F2 Di2 [2012]
    Verenti Millook
  • Coldcorn wrote:
    Went through tonight, nice break from traffic :).

    I take it the park is completely closed off during the culls? Or open and you just don't wear antlers whilst riding ;).


    The park is completely closed during the cull in november /december this is inthe hours of darkness until about 6:30 in the morning.
    And don't wear antlers at anytime.
  • hstiles
    hstiles Posts: 414
    The deer seem to congregate along the roadside from Star and Garter Gate to Kingston Gate, so you should be careful in case they decide to run into the road.

    Actually, I find the biggest hazard in the park is people walking along the side of the road after dark. They're invariably wearing dark clothes.
  • dab_32
    dab_32 Posts: 94
    Are the ped gates actually open 24 hours?

    I cycled home from work last night (I work shifts) at about 2300-2330 and the Roehampton ped gate was chained and locked (both sides of the road).

    I was thinking of going through (Kings Gate to Roe Gate) on early shifts (to avoid the A3 as even the path is poo condition) at about 0530-0600 but if the Roehampton gate is locked I'd be late for work.

    Does anyone know what ped gates are open 24 hours?
  • Clarion
    Clarion Posts: 223
    As far as I am aware, the pedestrian access to the main road gates (Kingston; Richmond; Roehampton) is never locked.

    Prompted by this thread, I did go through RP on Friday night (just a cut through from Roehampton Gate to Kingston Gate via Spankers Hill), and I was spotted by a couple of friends who I hadn't known would be there. Serendipity is a marvellous thing.

    Although the deer seem to spend a lot of time over on the West of the Park, I've found herds flanking Sawyers Hill, and on the road at Spankers Hill.

    I've seen a mother and fawn beside the big hill near Coronation Plantation, but only once. I was a bit concerned they might keep wandering onto the road and bring me to a sudden halt on the steepest bit, but it was OK.
    Riding on 531
  • dab_32 wrote:
    Are the ped gates actually open 24 hours?

    I cycled home from work last night (I work shifts) at about 2300-2330 and the Roehampton ped gate was chained and locked (both sides of the road).

    I was thinking of going through (Kings Gate to Roe Gate) on early shifts (to avoid the A3 as even the path is poo condition) at about 0530-0600 but if the Roehampton gate is locked I'd be late for work.

    Does anyone know what ped gates are open 24 hours?

    If i'm in town I normally go though Richmond Park on way back, and normally Roehampton gate, sometimes quite late and it's yet to be shut.
  • dab_32
    dab_32 Posts: 94
    I must have been very unlucky, it was definitely padlocked. There was a car parked just inside the gate with two blokes sat in it so maybe something was going on inside(??).

    I might risk it next early shift, if the Kings Gate is locked I'm not too far out of my way, if it's open hopefully the Roehampton gate will be too. If it's not, I guess I get extra miles in and I'm forced to do Dark Hill 'the hard way'

    Cheers for the help chaps.