5-4 (on) Fergie has heart attack before April 2013?



  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Ben6899 wrote:
    Some supporters (of teams other than United) check out the United score before that of their own team.

    Is that so? :roll: Do you honestly believe that? No true supporter of any club would look for the score of another club before their own. Really is it any wonder some dislike Manchester United with arrogance like that eh?
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    His premise "We are the biggest club in the world...[and]...Newcastle is just a wee club in the North East" is both condascending and incorrect.
    On results alone in European Cup/Champions League wins they are down the list:
    Real Madrid 9
    Milan 7
    Liverpool 5
    Bayern Munich 4
    Ajax 4
    Inter 3
    Man U 3

    If Guardiola had stayed on and won as much as he did in the 4 years he was there (13 trophies), Fergie would look like little league in 4 years more.
    They are definatley not the biggest In terms of finances (MU are deep in the red but can sustain their borrowing, for now), MU are hundreds of millions behind Real Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bayern Munich and in fact Arsenal.
    His initial response after being thrashed by Barca in 2011 was telling "It was our 60th game". Such is the arrogance of the tw4t, not a dickie about how they were outclassed, outplayed and he was left tactically out manouvered. No team in the 2 years up to that final playing 4-4-2 had beaten Barca - Fergie was arrogant and stupid in his assumption that he was going to be the first.
    With enough money and a big enough stick, you can assemble some players to do well and Fergie has perfected this art but it ain't big, pretty or clever. Nor has his best players been a result of MU development:

    Cantona - Auxerre, Marseille, Leeds (to name a few)
    RVP - Feyenoord
    Giggs - Manchester City School of excellence !
    Rooney - Everton
    Ole Gunner Solskjaer - Molde amongst others
    Nemanja Vidic - Red Star Belgrade
    Rio Ferdinand -West Ham
    and so on and so on.
    Scholes is the exception.

    I have no quarrel with the MU squad (apart from their adoption of the arrogance from above), the person I loathe is Ferguson. The day he steps down or has to step down will be the day the cloud will be lifted.

    Manchester United are the most supported football club in the world. Seems pretty reasonable to say they're the biggest based on that?

    (and your methodology of ranking by trophies presumably concludes that Liverpool are the second biggest domestic club since they won the domestic top-division 18 times?! :lol: )
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Ben6899 wrote:
    Some supporters (of teams other than United) check out the United score before that of their own team.

    Is that so? :roll: Do you honestly believe that? No true supporter of any club would look for the score of another club before their own. Really is it any wonder some dislike Manchester United with arrogance like that eh?
    Not quite the same league, but the same premise.
    In 2008(?) I was in an Aberdeen pub mid week with 3 European games on - Aberdeen, Rangers and Spurs(?).
    Guy walks in around half way through and in a broad Aberdonian accent asks "How's the scores?*"
    "No bad. We are only 1-0 nil down". (3-2 down aggregate against Bayern Munich at the time)
    "Sod that. Ah'm only interested in the Huns getting beat*".

    *Language translated and tidied up. :wink:

    Or any International results. ABE instead of ABU. The breed is alive and kicking.

    FWIW - I've been to a few games involving quite a few different teams at different levels. Every time the animals that attend convince me that watching on telly is much preferable. And I've given up on that.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    Ben6899 wrote:
    Some supporters (of teams other than United) check out the United score before that of their own team.

    Is that so? :roll: Do you honestly believe that? No true supporter of any club would look for the score of another club before their own. Really is it any wonder some dislike Manchester United with arrogance like that eh?

    I'm afraid it is so.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ben_h_ppcc/
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  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Kind of confirms what I said really. Aberdeen are playing an important European game against Bayern Munich and the guy isn't interested? Not a real fan of Aberdeen then is he?

    I do know that there are people out there with the ABU mentality, or in Scotland ABE, but I don't buy it that any real supporter is more interested in another teams result before their own.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    Kind of confirms what I said really. Aberdeen are playing an important European game against Bayern Munich and the guy isn't interested? Not a real fan of Aberdeen then is he?

    I do know that there are people out there with the ABU mentality, or in Scotland ABE, but I don't buy it that any real supporter is more interested in another teams result before their own.

    So you accept that it isn't me merely being "arrogant" and that I might actually be speaking from experience of supporting United since I can remember?

    I hope so. Because I'm really not the arrogant, glory-hunting, JohnnyComeLately that you seem to think I am. :(

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ben_h_ppcc/
    Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143173475@N05/
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    Simmotino wrote:
    ManUre fan in North London? There's a surprise! :roll:

    A more unpalatable surprise is that Ben is (from what I can recall) actually a Yorkshireman.

    It is inconceivable to me that someone from the right side of the Pennines would be supporting Manchester United, much less championing them on the internet, (albeit from North London).

    It takes all sorts I suppose and in all other respects I've always found Ben to be an extremely reasonable individual.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Ben6899 wrote:
    Kind of confirms what I said really. Aberdeen are playing an important European game against Bayern Munich and the guy isn't interested? Not a real fan of Aberdeen then is he?

    I do know that there are people out there with the ABU mentality, or in Scotland ABE, but I don't buy it that any real supporter is more interested in another teams result before their own.

    So you accept that it isn't me merely being "arrogant" and that I might actually be speaking from experience of supporting United since I can remember?

    I hope so. Because I'm really not the arrogant, glory-hunting, JohnnyComeLately that you seem to think I am. :(

    Whoa there! First of all I've not accused you of being a JCL, so don't be sad. Secondly, my post above that you have quoted is in response to the post by daviesee. So I do actually think your belief that a supporter, a real supporter, of another club would look for Manchester United's result before their own club shows a certain arrogance.

    There are people out there who love to see Man U get beat, as there are those who love to see Liverpool get beat, and Chelsea and so on and so on... but I don't know of any real, and I mean real fan of any club who looks for another clubs result first.

    Oh and seeing as it's the old git Fergusons birthday today I'd like to wish him happy birthday. I'd like to but I can't! :wink:
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Kind of confirms what I said really. Aberdeen are playing an important European game against Bayern Munich and the guy isn't interested? Not a real fan of Aberdeen then is he?

    I do know that there are people out there with the ABU mentality, or in Scotland ABE, but I don't buy it that any real supporter is more interested in another teams result before their own.
    'Fraid so. An official AFC supporters pub. Try criticising Aberdeen, Fergie, or Man U in there and it kicks off.
    They exist. I agree that it is sad, but is so.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • magibob
    magibob Posts: 203
    daviesee wrote:
    Kind of confirms what I said really. Aberdeen are playing an important European game against Bayern Munich and the guy isn't interested? Not a real fan of Aberdeen then is he?

    I do know that there are people out there with the ABU mentality, or in Scotland ABE, but I don't buy it that any real supporter is more interested in another teams result before their own.
    'Fraid so. An official AFC supporters pub. Try criticising Aberdeen, Fergie, or Man U in there and it kicks off.
    They exist. I agree that it is sad, but is so.

    The thing is. There are 2 ages of Scottish Male.

    Over 60. Depending on their allegiance. Were there in Lisbon, alongside 3 million of their countrymen in the world's biggest stadium, to watch Celtic win the European Cup in 1967. OR, Went to School with Ferguson, alongside 3 million of their countrymen, in the biggest school on the biggest council estate in the world.

    Under 60. No Scottish footballing victories to pretend they saw, (unless you count pulling goalposts down at Wembley as a footballing achievement. In which case, at one time they briefly ruled the world, ) so... Went to School with Ferguson's Kids, alongside 3 million of their countrymen on the biggest ....etc. An extra touch on this is, "Ferguson's wife was like a mother to me." :D

  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    This is bizarre: Our family, brought up on Claremont Road, Moss Side (about 1/4 mile from Maine Road),
    true Man City country. Yet, we all (sisters an' all) ended supporting United. For me, it was because they
    were on the decline for a few years (1969 >) and I used to feel sorry for them being beaten by many teams
    (and the fact that my big sister and her friends fancied Best and Morgan).
  • jim453 wrote:
    Simmotino wrote:
    ManUre fan in North London? There's a surprise! :roll:

    A more unpalatable surprise is that Ben is (from what I can recall) actually a Yorkshireman.

    It is inconceivable to me that someone from the right side of the Pennines would be supporting Manchester United, much less championing them on the internet, (albeit from North London).

    It takes all sorts I suppose and in all other respects I've always found Ben to be an extremely reasonable individual.

    Geoff Boycott is a big Man U fan too.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Magibob wrote:
    The thing is. There are 2 ages of Scottish Male.
    But I and many others do not fit that stereotype. :roll:
    Same as all fans are not ABU , or ABE.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    jim453 wrote:
    Simmotino wrote:
    ManUre fan in North London? There's a surprise! :roll:

    A more unpalatable surprise is that Ben is (from what I can recall) actually a Yorkshireman.

    It is inconceivable to me that someone from the right side of the Pennines would be supporting Manchester United, much less championing them on the internet, (albeit from North London).

    It takes all sorts I suppose and in all other respects I've always found Ben to be an extremely reasonable individual.

    I missed this one, Jim.

    Firstly thank you for the veiled compliment. :)

    Secondly, the only bloke I look up to is my dad. He supports United and I simply followed in his foot steps.

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ben_h_ppcc/
    Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143173475@N05/
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I'm quite proud to say that I'm ABU just because I'm so bored with modern football and I want a change. Chelsea and Manchester City are a bit of a change, but I'd sooner see someone like Everton do the big teams over.