Stricken with the lurgey

Roadrookie Posts: 25
edited December 2012 in Road beginners
For most of November I was off the bike due to a week away with work and two weeks away holiday then I managed to get back on the roads during December, but of course i had lost a lot of fitness. So anyway i was gradually building it back up and yesterday had a great ride, felt strong and finally broke 17mph average speed on my 20 mile loop. Hurrah I thought, progress, then last night I went down with the plague and feel dreadful. How can you have one of your strongest rides then a few hours later barely get out of bed! and there was me looking forward to a few days out on the bike while off work for Christmas, best laid plans.....


  • derosa
    derosa Posts: 2,819
    Have noticed the same thing myself. Stellar ride then ill for two weeks coughing my lungs up like the rest of the office - can't explain it.

    Big H

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    If you burn a lot of energy and get cold on a ride its not exactly the best possible thing for your immune system.

    You could have been in the incubation period for something and the ride just tipped you over the edge?
  • elderone
    elderone Posts: 1,410
    what a crap time to get poorly...bad luck and get well soon.
    Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori
  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Not recovering properly, over exerting yourself
  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    I got struck down as well, off till next wednesday and Sat/Sun i had the trots then it took another couple of days to feel normal again.
    here was me thinking i could go for a ride today and the other half decides to go shopping and leaves me with the kids for 5 and a half hours so she can come back with 4 things .
    Looks like i will get no rides in the way its going and " you ride to work " is the reply i got , eh they don`t understand do they :cry:
    FCN 3/5/9
  • nawty
    nawty Posts: 225
    Pushing yourself physically, especially to your physical limits gives your immune system a thorough beating, much akin to going on an all day drinking session!) and you shouldn't be surprised if you fall ill because of it, especially at this time of year.

    Knowing your limits (or at least the possible consequences) is important although it is very easy to overdo it through either underestimating your lurgy (or not even knowing it's there) or just plain enthusiasm.
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  • kbmack
    kbmack Posts: 73
    Apparently, it's quite common to get a surge of energy before going down with something. Possible to do with the body's preparation to fight illness but it doesn't help I guess. Perhaps this may partially explain why you had such a great ride just before getting ill. Hope you feel better very soon.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Grrr, 6 weeks away in Qatar, come back home hoping to get back on the bike after Xmas, and all the germs in the world have afflicted me, 3 days and counting flattened by man flu :evil:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.