Moving house.

Graydawg Posts: 673
edited December 2012 in Road general
Hi all, I'm moving to Norfolk in the new year, to a town called Dereham and just wondering if there's any clubs or decent routes around there... I know of the Norfolk broads but that's about it!

It's been a while...


  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    From what i've heard folk just don't cycle there because it's far too flat.
    I got dragged there for a week this year so I took the bike to escape, during one 50 mile ride i recorded 23 feet of ascent, on a positive note it's very easy on the legs.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Compared to Inverness it will be a breeze, you will probably have to cycle twice as far to keep your time in the saddle the same.

    Try here for clubs in that area.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Bright side if you do have a compact fitted at least you can ditch that for a standard double :wink:
    Not really understanding flat = easy however....
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    JGSI wrote:
    Bright side if you do have a compact fitted at least you can ditch that for a standard double :wink:
    Not really understanding flat = easy however....

    My point was that if you cycle in hilly terrain for 2 hours your average will be a lot less than flat terrain so you need to cycle further on the flat in that 2 hours as you are going quicker. Not that is was easier as such.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    A fifty around Norfolk "was" a damn sight easier than a fifty around the peak, even though your average flies up the lack of hills leaves your legs in a better state.
    It was nice riding there for a change but I know where I'd rather ride.
  • I live in Norfolk and some parts are flatter than others, there are a few small lumps and bumps in the north of county which is where I usually head out, never cycled around Dereham though. You just have to apply yourself differently to get the best out of the terrain as smidsy implies, a work colleague is capable of finishing in the top 100 of events like the Dragon ride and he does all his training in Norfolk.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    I live in Norfolk and some parts are flatter than others, there are a few small lumps and bumps in the north of county which is where I usually head out, never cycled around Dereham though. You just have to apply yourself differently to get the best out of the terrain as smidsy implies, a work colleague is capable of finishing in the top 100 of events like the Dragon ride and he does all his training in Norfolk.

    Blimey what does he do - tow a tractor :lol:
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    I was brought up in Inverness (now in Aviemore) and many years ago I was posted to RAF Watton for a week (about 9 miles from Dereham I think). It was scary! Everything was so flat you could never get your bearings. It just felt unnatural having been brought up in a place where you can always see big hills. After a week it was a relief to get home and get my bearings again, it was the oddest feeling - like being permanently lost.

    The beer's better down there though.

    Was in Ryvoan Bothy once and met two climbers from Norwich. They claimed to have done every 90m peak in the south east......! - Quality Binoculars at a Sensible Price.
    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
    Marin Mount Vision (1997), Edinburgh Country tourer, 3 cats!
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    Graydawg wrote:
    Hi all, I'm moving to Norfolk in the new year, to a town called Dereham and just wondering if there's any clubs or decent routes around there... I know of the Norfolk broads but that's about it!


    Oh dear, Dereham of all places, I guess it wasn't by choice. (I was brought up there)

    Best cycling I find is around North Norfolk, slightly more hilly that way not flat but nothing spectacular.
  • no idea about routes but I would love to live suffolk/norfolk. When I leave mallorca Im going to head that way. Lovely places over that way.
  • Graydawg
    Graydawg Posts: 673
    Briggo wrote:
    Oh dear, Dereham of all places, I guess it wasn't by choice. (I was brought up there)

    Best cycling I find is around North Norfolk, slightly more hilly that way not flat but nothing spectacular.

    Oh dear, whys wrong with Dereham?!

    Thanks guys for all the replies, looking forward to getting moved an settled, and it's handy for my job as only a couple f hours from London by train!
    It's been a while...
  • north norfolk is lovely for riding. I quite often did raf marham up to hunstanton when i was based down there. Lovely scenery and a nice 50 miler. not too many hills though so not a hard ride. the north coast up there is lovely, from dereham you can do many routes up to the coast and then go left towards hunstanton or right towards the broads.

    be warned though - norfolk drivers are some of the most ignorant i have ever come across, just be careful cos they don't know what giving way is!
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    edited December 2012
    Try the Isle of Wight for ignorant drivers - THEY do not even give way to other vehicles at roundabouts.

    PS: I only know as I have to go each xmas to visit relatives. :lol:
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Many years ago I had to make choice between Norfolk and Cornwall. Life would have been so different ...
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Its really pretty good for cycling. I did c200 miles over a weekend this September and it was fun. Took in Dereham and many other places. I would say that heading north out of East Dereham up to Holt and the coast was one of the best stretches. Its undulating there and not pan plat . Whats nice is the fact that you can roll long at 20mph for much of the time unlike bedfordshire which is a bit more up and down. I think the biggest clime we did was called the Thornage Road into Holt - prob about 500ft. Anyway I am sure you will enjoy riding around there.