
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
Driving home, 25 mph downhill (30 limit)because of the Thames Valley mobile speed camera van thats always there, overtaken by cyclist on a Cervelo, having sat on my bumper being impatient. Got to the bottom of the hill with a 90 degree right hand bend, it was wet, greasy and he was riding like an idiot and nearly came off, causing me to hit the brakes. Whoever you are with your yellow Beeline Bicycles (Oxford LBS) top, stop riding like a pillock and give me some room. You give us all a bad name, its bad enough with the BBC showing provocative documentaries, dont make it worse - oh and by the way, get some mudguards: pillock!


  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    Shouldn't you have been preparing to slow considerably yourself, prior to a known bad bend in poor conditions, even more so having just been overtaken by a bike.

    Also, mudguards are surely personal choice when riding solo.
  • AndyOgy
    AndyOgy Posts: 579
    Gozzy wrote:
    Shouldn't you have been preparing to slow considerably yourself, prior to a known bad bend in poor conditions, even more so having just been overtaken by a bike.

    Also, mudguards are surely personal choice when riding solo.

    Yeah, I've never really understood mudguards. Can anybody explain them to me?
  • gozzy
    gozzy Posts: 640
    They stop you getting a wet arse. They're very good.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Driving home, 25 mph downhill (30 limit)because of the Thames Valley mobile speed camera van thats always there,......!
    I put it to you you that you are playing it way too safe regarding the camera. You have an extra 5 mph to play with. And the fact that most car speedos err on the safe side, probably more than that.
    Which is why a cyclist overtook you.
    But I wasn't there, so maybe not......
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • upperoilcan
    upperoilcan Posts: 1,180
    Rather than spouting off on the Tinternet,

    Why didnt you have a word with him when the incident occured if it bothered you that much ????????
    Cervelo S5 Ultegra Di2.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    daviesee wrote:
    Driving home, 25 mph downhill (30 limit)because of the Thames Valley mobile speed camera van thats always there,......!
    I put it to you you that you are playing it way too safe regarding the camera. You have an extra 5 mph to play with. And the fact that most car speedos err on the safe side, probably more than that.
    Which is why a cyclist overtook you.
    But I wasn't there, so maybe not......
    This is the correct answer. Pootling along at < 25 on a downhill? And you wonder why a cyclist is all over your boot at that speed? More likely is that he got frustrated, misjudged it and passed you anyway. Speed limits aren't a target but doing way less just because there's a nasty policeman waiting to nick you is a bit soppy tbh.

    And you're in a car. What does it matter to you if he has mudgaurds or not?
  • Some great bites, i'm going to need a bigger boat.........however:
    1. Speed: 25 mph in a 30 is sensible not 'pootling' and i dont want a £90 speed awareness course which requires half a day off work and a 40 mile drive to the place where they run it.
    2. I couldnt have a word with him as he went down a side road when i was turning into my road where i live, plus I am not going to chase someone to confront them, it wont achieve anything apart from antagonising someone.
    3. I dont think riding in my blind spot a few yards behind me is sensible, I was slowing down to take the bend, he ended up taking it in the middle of the road then spotted an oncoming car, had to swerve left and nearly came off - poor riding.
    4. mudguards - no effect on me at all, just a shame he was covered in mud and spray all over his very expensive Assos tights.
    5. By the way, I ride that hill most days and you can easily hit 40 mph without trying, doesnt mean its a good idea when the cars are generally doing less than 30; why , because like it or not, the speed camera van is there most days, 3 times this week so far.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    You missed the core point, that you doing < 25 to avoid being nicked in a 30 is dawdling. The speed awareness course is triggered by speeding convictions between 33 & 37. You know as well as any (you post on here ergo you're a cyclist) that one of the joys of cycling is not being held up by traffic, yet that's precisely what you were doing in your eagerness not to be nicked.

    Well done on identifying that he was was wearing Assos though, and for being so concerned about his laundry requirements.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    There antagonistic pillocks that post here and it isn't the OP.
  • Oooooooo! I do like a pointless argument!
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    No you don't.
  • The notion of a bike tailgating a car, getting all impatient and then overtaking unsafely, is just delicious irony.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Gozzy wrote:
    They stop you getting a wet ars*. They're very good.

    And they keep the crap off your drivetrain saving you cleaning it so often and increasing its lifespan.

    And yes, 25 in a 30 zone is dawdling. The limit is 30 - drive at 30. It isn't difficult. If the police wanted you to drive at 25, there'd be a 25mph limit.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • CiB wrote:
    You missed the core point, that you doing < 25 to avoid being nicked in a 30 is dawdling. The speed awareness course is triggered by speeding convictions between 33 & 37. You know as well as any (you post on here ergo you're a cyclist) that one of the joys of cycling is not being held up by traffic, yet that's precisely what you were doing in your eagerness not to be nicked.

    Well done on identifying that he was was wearing Assos though, and for being so concerned about his laundry requirements.

    I completely disagree. Cyclists are the first to use the 'i'm-a-road-user-too' defence and rightly so, but in this case, the OP is a road user too, who's perfectly entitled to go along at 25 mph if he feels it's appropriate. Having a cyclist overtaking and riding in a dangerous manner that nearly causes an accident, just because he's bored of being held up by traffic is unacceptable behaviour.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Rolf F wrote:
    And yes, 25 in a 30 zone is dawdling. The limit is 30 - drive at 30. It isn't difficult. If the police wanted you to drive at 25, there'd be a 25mph limit.

    imm and there me thinking "drive to the conditions" and limit meant "up to"

    urban road, 25 in a 30 limit, wet roads, sounds about right or maybe your one of these fools who drive at the limit in driving rain rush hour on a motorway? 'cause 70 is the limit guv :(
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,091
    He didn't come off. He didn't cause an accident. The sh*t off his back wheel was probably washed off with your windscreen washers (cars do have them). What is the problem exactly - nice Cervelo was it?

    Couldn't find anything imaginative or funny to post on BR ? I get moments like that (like this one) - I find that if you call somebody a tw4t, you're almost certain to get a response. You are a tw4t. There, thats it. Watch this space.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    Rolf F wrote:
    Gozzy wrote:
    They stop you getting a wet ars*. They're very good.

    And they keep the crap off your drivetrain saving you cleaning it so often and increasing its lifespan.

    And yes, 25 in a 30 zone is dawdling. The limit is 30 - drive at 30. It isn't difficult. If the police wanted you to drive at 25, there'd be a 25mph limit.

    Oh dear. That's the mindset of the irate motorist who gets annoyed by cyclists because they stop him from driving at the limit....
    More problems but still living....
  • Riding home the other day, about 25 mph downhill in the wet. Car right up behind me, on my back wheel. Shoots past just before a bend. Almost fails to make the turn, nearly causing an accident. Turned off down a side road. Pillock.....

    There, that's better!
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    amaferanga wrote:
    Rolf F wrote:
    Gozzy wrote:
    They stop you getting a wet ars*. They're very good.

    And they keep the crap off your drivetrain saving you cleaning it so often and increasing its lifespan.

    And yes, 25 in a 30 zone is dawdling. The limit is 30 - drive at 30. It isn't difficult. If the police wanted you to drive at 25, there'd be a 25mph limit.

    Oh dear. That's the mindset of the irate motorist who gets annoyed by cyclists because they stop him from driving at the limit....

    Well, we only have the OPs view of events in terms of what is dangerous or not but I do find it tedious when driving along a road, everyone driving at the legal limit and then as soon as they see a camera sign, they drop 5mph. It indicates a degree of poor competence/lack of confidence as a driver. I do prefer to get past such people as they tend to be less than predictable.
    mamba80 wrote:
    urban road, 25 in a 30 limit, wet roads, sounds about right or maybe your one of these fools who drive at the limit in driving rain rush hour on a motorway? 'cause 70 is the limit guv :(

    And maybe you are one of these fools who doesn't read threads properly :wink: . The OP specifically stated that he was driving at 25mph because he was scared of being caught by a speed camera. Had he said that he was driving at 25mph because the conditions meant that that was as fast as it was safe to do so, then it would have been different. But he was driving at significantly less than the limit and got annoyed because he got overtaken doing so. And is the road urban? Not sure that was mentioned - just the 30mph limit.

    Of course, it doesn't help that the OP subtly changed the story in his second post........
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Oooooooo! I do like a pointless argument!

    Is it the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    mamba80 wrote:
    urban road, 25 in a 30 limit, wet roads, sounds about right or maybe your one of these fools who drive at the limit in driving rain rush hour on a motorway? 'cause 70 is the limit guv :(

    And maybe you are one of these fools who doesn't read threads properly :wink: . The OP specifically stated that he was driving at 25mph because he was scared of being caught by a speed camera. Had he said that he was driving at 25mph because the conditions meant that that was as fast as it was safe to do so, then it would have been different. But he was driving at significantly less than the limit and got annoyed because he got overtaken doing so. And is the road urban? Not sure that was mentioned - just the 30mph limit.

    Of course, it doesn't help that the OP subtly changed the story in his second post........[/quote]

    I read what you wrote and that was that a 30mph limit was the speed at what you should drive, i made no judgement on the OPs driving, i wasnt there.
    As for the "urban road" there a few roads that have a 30 limit if they are either urban or approaching urban classed conditions - perhaps this was one of those cases?
    He also didnt state that he was annoyed at being tailgated or being overtaken, rather that he thought the cyclists std of riding was so poor he could have caused an accident.
    In my view 25 isnt significantly under the 30 max - its a great pity more roads arnt clasified as 20 in towns/villages etc.
    And in the spirit of Xmas past - apologies for calling you a "fool" :oops:
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    mamba80 wrote:
    And in the spirit of Xmas past - apologies for calling you a "fool" :oops:

    Oh I am a fool - just not particularly when driving! :lol:(but technically I don't think you did call me a fool anyway so no need for apols!)
    Trouble is, we don't know what really happened. Particularly as the story changed from in the first post with the driver at 25mph being overtaken on a hill that had a corner at the bottom to the driver slowing down and being overtaken at the corner itself. In that case, was the driver slowing from 25 or from a higher speed? In the initial post, the fault is ambiguous - in the second post, the cyclist is clearly at fault.

    And of course, presumably the OP had just overtaken the cyclist - even with the benefit of a downhill, the chance of a cyclist being able to overtake a car that hasn't just overtaken them is limited (unless one vehicle had only just joined the road). On that basis, if you get overtaken by a car which then proceeds to hold you up, what do you do?
    Faster than a tent.......
  • john1967
    john1967 Posts: 366
    Well done for being a sensible driver.mobile speed cameras are usually placed in danger zones or where cars are prone to speed so the cyclist was being a numpty.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    john1967 wrote:
    Well done for being a sensible driver.mobile speed cameras are usually placed in danger zones or where cars are prone to speed so the cyclist was being a numpty.
    Just being provocative........
    Most speed cameras that I pass are on long straight flat roads.
    A long straight flat road is not a danger zone.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • Meh, what a non story. We'll be talking about stuff that might happen soon and maybe end up arguing about that, maybe........Too much time on our hands, I think we drill down too much on stuff. We need to let things happen and slide with it.

    Plus too many noobies on the forum talking wanktalk. :)
    I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast, but I'm intercontinental when I eat French toast...
  • john1967
    john1967 Posts: 366
    daviesee wrote:
    john1967 wrote:
    Well done for being a sensible driver.mobile speed cameras are usually placed in danger zones or where cars are prone to speed so the cyclist was being a numpty.
    Just being provocative........
    Most speed cameras that I pass are on long straight flat roads.
    A long straight flat road is not a danger zone.

    Depends on how fast your driving and what your driving and the conditions.
  • merkin
    merkin Posts: 452
    I am guessing you were going down Headington hill?
    You really don't need to drive at 25mph just to avoid a ticket in a 30mph zone, that is the sort of thing my old Dad would do.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    john1967 wrote:
    daviesee wrote:
    john1967 wrote:
    Well done for being a sensible driver.mobile speed cameras are usually placed in danger zones or where cars are prone to speed so the cyclist was being a numpty.
    Just being provocative........
    Most speed cameras that I pass are on long straight flat roads.
    A long straight flat road is not a danger zone.

    Depends on how fast your driving and what your driving and the conditions.
    Dangerous drivers can be dangerous on any stretch of any road.
    A long, straight, flat road is not dangerous until you put a numpty on it.
    If the conditions are bad you can be driving dangerously while under the speed limit. A camera does not make it safe.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • john1967
    john1967 Posts: 366
    merkin wrote:
    I am guessing you were going down Headington hill?
    You really don't need to drive at 25mph just to avoid a ticket in a 30mph zone, that is the sort of thing my old Dad would do.

    That's the exact reason why your old dad is old.
  • lucan
    lucan Posts: 339
    This reminds me of the numerous occasions I have seen a motorist exceeding the speed limit by a fair margin, slowing down for the camera and then accelerating back to illegal speeds, totally oblivious of the police car behind him/her. That'd be the one with the blue lights on the roof and 'Police' written all over it in big, easy to see lettering.

    Summer: Kuota Kebel
    Winter: GT Series3