Which Skill/Talent do you envy most in others?

tim_wand Posts: 2,552
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
Im a fairly " big headed" git.

I m better than average at most sports I ve played (Except golf I m toss at that)

I can win the Village pub quiz on my own against teams of six (long as the village idiots away)

I was a marksman in the Army and I ve even taught Physics in the school Newton attended.

Sorry like I said I m a bit of a big head.

But the one thing that humbles me and leaves me in envy is to watch an individual who can play a musical instrument well or build a bike wheel.

Despite trying many times I can do neither , and in the case of the Musical instrument I d give up any of my former glories to achieve that one skill.

How about you lot?


  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Probably musician, though having Bruce Lee's martial arts skills would run that close.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Just seen Joules Holland on the BBC playing piano with Fats Domino, absolubtley awseome.

    As for Bruce Lee , cant believe this is real , but it is

  • tim wand wrote:
    As for Bruce Lee , cant believe this is real , but it is


    No it isn't.
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • lucan
    lucan Posts: 339
    Summer: Kuota Kebel
    Winter: GT Series3
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    tim wand wrote:
    As for Bruce Lee , cant believe this is real , but it is


    No it isn't.

    I sit corrected: A friend of mine who is British Brazilian Ju Jitsu (No Gi and Gi) super heavy weight champion, put this clip on his F/B and I questioned it on simple Physics that Nun Chucks are round yet he was hitting down on a round object with a round object and still producing top spin (not back spin).

    Long story short I had about 200 people tell me it was genuine, but your evidence sits better with me.

    Besides when I saw the skills and the skin suit I thought it was Bhima not Bruce :lol:
  • Big knobbedness. :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    The ability to ride a bicycle up any incline over 6% without the overwhelming feeling that you're about to throw up/die (delete as applicable!!)
  • Brown Nosing/Sycophancy/Fawning
    A thoroughly repulsive trait, but essential for corporate life. I've never been able to do it, mainly because I tend to regard most people as fools, and can't put any sincerity into a compliment I don't mean. That's not to say I don't envy those who can do it well though; had I that skill I'd be much higher up the food chain than I am now.

    I've been in corporate sales for sixteen years, and from watching and questioning the pro bum-lickers, I've developed a theory that these people essentially fall in a sort of love or infatuation with the person in power. Same as when you first fall for a girl; everything they say is hilarious, incisive, or witty.
  • Nose clearing at speed in winter, no hands, in a chain gang. Done well it is a joy to behold.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Brown Nosing/Sycophancy/Fawning
    A thoroughly repulsive trait, but essential for corporate life. I've never been able to do it, mainly because I tend to regard most people as fools, and can't put any sincerity into a compliment I don't mean. That's not to say I don't envy those who can do it well though; had I that skill I'd be much higher up the food chain than I am now.

    I've been in corporate sales for sixteen years, and from watching and questioning the pro bum-lickers, I've developed a theory that these people essentially fall in a sort of love or infatuation with the person in power. Same as when you first fall for a girl; everything they say is hilarious, incisive, or witty.

    This +1,000,000. Could not agree with you more, I just couldn't have put it as well as you have done. Really great post. Look forward to hearing from you in the future.
  • crescent
    crescent Posts: 1,201
    Boasting. I'm absolutely brilliant at everything except that.
    Bianchi ImpulsoBMC Teammachine SLR02 01Trek Domane AL3“When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. “ ~H.G. Wells Edit - "Unless it's a BMX"
  • rrsodl
    rrsodl Posts: 486
    tim wand wrote:
    Im a fairly " big headed" git.

    Sir, you are indeed :D
  • Drumlin
    Drumlin Posts: 120
    Anything creative and artistic.

    That and being able to pee whilst cycling without stopping :D
    Would welcome company for Sat rides west/south of Edinburgh, up to 3 hrs, 16mph ish. Please PM me if interested/able to help.
  • Drumlin wrote:
    being able to pee whilst cycling without stopping :D

    I wish I could stop doing this :roll:
    tick - tick - tick
  • simona75
    simona75 Posts: 336
    The ability to grasp and work with complex mathematics is something I look at in complete awe. I'm one of those people that get lost two thirds through your average Horizon documentary!
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Another one for the martial arts here. I'd also like to be able to do DIY without whatever I'm touching falling to pieces within 30 seconds.
  • RRSODL wrote:
    tim wand wrote:
    Im a fairly " big headed" git.

    Sir, you are indeed :D

    But he is modest with it.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • To be able to play the Piano.

    The wife even bought me one a couple of years ago for my birthday and although I have persevered with it I am still ruddy useless. It's the only thing in my life that I really want to do that I have failed to achieve although I am still trying (much to the neighbours annoyance I would imagine) :roll: :cry:
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Yet your English is terrible Tim ;) 'I'm'... oh shit, there's a red dot on my forehead... HEEEEEEL......*splat*
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,091
    My step father was calm and gentlemanly. He never ever caused offence and people respected him. He could tell the most crudest of jokes in whatever company and still have everybody laughing.
    Quite the opposite to me - An off the handle, knee jerkish, bitter and twisted bloke who can invoke a fight from a Bhuddist.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Brown Nosing/Sycophancy/Fawning
    A thoroughly repulsive trait, but essential for corporate life. I've never been able to do it, mainly because I tend to regard most people as fools, and can't put any sincerity into a compliment I don't mean. That's not to say I don't envy those who can do it well though; had I that skill I'd be much higher up the food chain than I am now.

    I've been in corporate sales for sixteen years, and from watching and questioning the pro bum-lickers, I've developed a theory that these people essentially fall in a sort of love or infatuation with the person in power. Same as when you first fall for a girl; everything they say is hilarious, incisive, or witty.

    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • Without a doubt I'm envious of musical ability, as an adult I practised piano ( 5 years) ,on the day I gave up I was not much better than on the day I started.The only way I can make myself feel better is to say "I bet they can't wire a 2 way light"( it's not much comfort.).
  • Without a doubt I'm envious of musical ability, as an adult I practised piano ( 5 years) ,on the day I gave up I was not much better than on the day I started.The only way I can make myself feel better is to say "I bet they can't wire a 2 way light"( it's not much comfort.).

    You know you're supposed to open the lid. :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Brown Nosing/Sycophancy/Fawning
    A thoroughly repulsive trait, but essential for corporate life. I've never been able to do it, mainly because I tend to regard most people as fools, and can't put any sincerity into a compliment I don't mean. That's not to say I don't envy those who can do it well though; had I that skill I'd be much higher up the food chain than I am now.

    I've been in corporate sales for sixteen years, and from watching and questioning the pro bum-lickers, I've developed a theory that these people essentially fall in a sort of love or infatuation with the person in power. Same as when you first fall for a girl; everything they say is hilarious, incisive, or witty.
    While i don't have that trait...and don't want it either, it really does irk me when you think back and recognise people that have been utter tw@ts at work, completely useless, but have flourished despite their shortcomings. Not just survived, but flourished, either through brown nosing or their heightened social skills.
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    Can play guitar OKish.

    As an engineer I admire anyone who can weld Al or Ti. That is a real skill and I would love to be able to do it.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • Contador’s climbing skills.
    The Beastie Boys' coolness.
    Peter Hook’s bass playing.
    My mate’s ease at picking up foreign languages.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    Musical instrument for me too - I don't have the right fingers for it!

    Oh and I'd love to have the potential vo2 Max of an elite endurance athlete - it may turn out that I do with a little training... but somehow I doubt it :lol: and that's genetics more than skill anyway!
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552

    Thats it officially now hate Twiggo. Stylish, Witty, Not a bad time trialist and now the b*stard can even play guitar.

    Still he is Ginger though! Cant have it all.

    P.s Stolen from Cleat (Its a brave man who opens his links, so I deserve it)
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    The ability to spend an evening in polite company without saying something that alienates/offends someone.