ODI Lock On Grips

Levi_501 Posts: 1,105
edited December 2012 in MTB buying advice
Since fitting some lock on grips to OH´s bike, I am done with hair spray!

I am considering either the ODI X-Treme or the Troy Lee Designs for my HT.

Anyone rate or slate these?

Thanks in advance


  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    ODI lock ons are the best grips I have used. Superstar grips are also good but don't last very long.
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    The Troy Lee's are superb, either these or the SDG Han Solo's both are great, I currently run the Han Solo's as they come in lime green, but I loved my Troy Lee's too, both really are top of the pile imo
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Have had a few pairs of the X-tremes they are pretty good. The flange is cut away on the underside so it doesn't interfere with shifting.

    Personally they are a bit too thin for me I much prefer the Rogues but whatever you choose you won't be disappointed. It may be worth giving your lbs a bell ODI are distributed by Ison and I've always got them cheaper from the shop
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    best grips out there.

    just remember to anti sieze the bolts.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Levi_501
    Levi_501 Posts: 1,105
    Thanks guys, I think I will go for the X-Tremes.

    NL - Thanks, all fastners I fit, whether it be to a bike, car, excavator or whatever, they always get greased!
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I like the ODI Rogues, nice big fat things. Especially nice once they're worn in a bit.
    Uncompromising extremist