Kids and Smart Phones

Ron Stuart
Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
Do kids need mobile smart phones or just a means of mobile contact or like me as a kid a few coins :?

Nearly hit a kid today on me bike as she walked straight into the road staring in at the screen obviously in a different world as they do. Maybe thought I wasn't there because I wasn't making a car type noise :shock:

Seems to be a grooming tool as well it seems :idea:

What do you think :?:


  • I think PEDS should have insurance and made to wear helmets and have a licence.

    Joking (almost) aside, look around few people do not have one or not looking down at one, will be a lot of bad backs and neck pains in years to some, it's a disease.

    Personally whenever anyone walks out on a highway in front of me without looking and blithering down into a mobile I just aim at them and swerve at the last second, shocks some sense into them yad think !
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    paranoia/fear factor makes parents buy phones for their little darlings and said darlings just want one or they will sulk.

    get them textin' run the fcuckers over! Extreme, but there are way too many of them, just not sustainable.
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • A kid by my sistaaaar was bought an ipad for his birthday - he's 5. :roll:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    A kid by my sistaaaar was bought an ipad for his birthday - he's 5. :roll:

    Have you commented yet :?:
  • sheffsimon
    sheffsimon Posts: 1,282
    team47b wrote:
    paranoia/fear factor makes parents buy phones for their little darlings and said darlings just want one or they will sulk.

    get them textin' run the fcuckers over! Extreme, but there are way too many of them, just not sustainable.

    In my case, it was my own laziness.....I can call 'em from the comfort of my warm living room when they are needed back for tea or whatever, saves a trip to the park to try and find em...didnt go for the smartphones, they wanted something small that could fit down a football sock rather than in a pocket...:)
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    It's quite useful when I'm sitting "working" in the study to text Bomp jr. to bring me a coffee.
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    Ron Stuart wrote:
    A kid by my sistaaaar was bought an ipad for his birthday - he's 5. :roll:

    Have you commented yet :?:
    No, he has 'friended' him, using a fake account pretending to be a 7 year old, who is pretending to be a 13 year old just so he can have an account.

  • roypsb
    roypsb Posts: 309
    A kid by my sistaaaar was bought an ipad for his birthday - he's 5. :roll:

    What's he getting next year, 4 pack of Tennents Super and 20 Bensons?

  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    RoyPSB wrote:
    A kid by my sistaaaar was bought an ipad for his birthday - he's 5. :roll:

    What's he getting next year, 4 pack of Tennents Super and 20 Bensons?


    Leave him alone you miserable gits.
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    Opening it up a bit more.... ... -porn.html

    Maybe a mobile that is just a gadget that can make phone calls and texts is all that is needed, what do you think :?:
  • My step daughter (15yr old) used to read books faster than we could buy them, was doing really good at school, really amazed at how much she woudl learn from reading always had her head in a book and was nice to see. Harped on about wanting a blackberry for god knows how long. I said waste of money and she doen not need it (she barely ever goes out etc) But no the mrs gets her one. Huge mistake I am not joking in the last 18 months not picked up a single book, failed school exams and is resitting the year, and has not put the thing down since she got it, and i mean not put it down, eats dinner while messengering whcih drives me mad, to keep the peace i just ignore it now as i have given up having arguments with the mrs about it. She has changed to a different person since getting it and hardly speaks to me as she is always staring at it and thumbs twiddling. Anyone getting pestered for one by a kid, if they dont need one dont get them one. Nothing but a pain in the ar5e. The facebook twatter culture in the young is amazing they converse solely online so profficiently yet you get them to talk to someone face to face and theu really dont know how to conduct with people in real life. Very sad. I hate the things.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I cover supervise (cover teacher) in Schools. The good ones have a policy on Mobile phones.
    You can honestly stand there at any time of the day and without fail 50% of the girls will be trying to hide a smart phone under the desk whilst texting BBM ing and updating their facebook.

    The usual sanction is a verbal warning , followed by removal of the phone for the lesson, 3 such removals in a week result in the phone being taken off them and lodged with the School Secretary/Pastoral manager until Friday when the parent/ gaurdian is asked to come in and collect it.
    Couple of points,

    Its usually an unemployed bloke in their late 20s or 30s texting these girls during school time, and on most occasions when you ring a parent to tell them that the phone has been removed and they need to attend the school on Friday to discuss it return and proper use You get told, That wont be happening because the Police will be attending on there behalf presently to discuss why you've stolen it and put their child at risk,
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    tim wand wrote:
    I cover supervise (cover teacher) in Schools. The good ones have a policy on Mobile phones.
    You can honestly stand there at any time of the day and without fail 50% of the girls will be trying to hide a smart phone under the desk whilst texting BBM ing and updating their facebook.

    The usual sanction is a verbal warning , followed by removal of the phone for the lesson, 3 such removals in a week result in the phone being taken off them and lodged with the School Secretary/Pastoral manager until Friday when the parent/ gaurdian is asked to come in and collect it.
    Couple of points,

    Its usually an unemployed bloke in their late 20s or 30s texting these girls during school time, and on most occasions when you ring a parent to tell them that the phone has been removed and they need to attend the school on Friday to discuss it return and proper use You get told, That wont be happening because the Police will be attending on there behalf presently to discuss why you've stolen it and put their child at risk,

    Why not just have every kid hand over the phones at the commencement of lessons then have them returned prior to leaving. They should be kept in a secure locker until collected. As a Tax payer it appalls to think that the money spent trying to teach the darlings is wasted in this manner. :?

    I think there is a basic difference between a smart phone and a plain mobile the likes of which I use.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    tim wand wrote:
    I cover supervise (cover teacher) in Schools. The good ones have a policy on Mobile phones.
    You can honestly stand there at any time of the day and without fail 50% of the girls will be trying to hide a smart phone under the desk whilst texting BBM ing and updating their facebook.

    The usual sanction is a verbal warning , followed by removal of the phone for the lesson, 3 such removals in a week result in the phone being taken off them and lodged with the School Secretary/Pastoral manager until Friday when the parent/ gaurdian is asked to come in and collect it.
    I have a friend who used to be a cover teacher a few years ago (before 'smart' phones). Anyone caught using one would have it confiscated for the duration of the lesson, setting the alarm for 4 am in the meantime :twisted: