Are you a sub-conscious racist? Take this quiz to find out

finchy Posts: 6,686
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
Choose as many options as you like.

If you chose 0-2 scary blacks, you're a Guardian-reading pinko liberal who works in a local council's Equality and Diversity department.
If you chose 3-4 scary blacks, you're a middle Englander who doesn't hate ethnic minorities, but would probably consider buying a new house if one moved in next door to you.
If you are scared of 5 or more of these blacks, you are a complete bigot who probably spends most of his/her time on the Daily Telegraph website writing comments about racial hierarchy and the liberal elite's plan to destroy the white, British race.

I hope that you have found out a bit more about yourself from this poll. It's surprising how many of us* have these prejudices lurking at the back of our minds.**

* and when I say "us", I actually mean "you"
** and when I say "at the back of our minds", I actually mean "at the back of your mind".
