freddiegrubb Posts: 448
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
Anybody on here rode after a dvt. & whilst still in treatment (taking the rat poison), your experiences sought after.


  • Akirasho
    Akirasho Posts: 1,892
    ... I won't bore you with a ton of details... just a few hundred pounds...

    A few years ago, I was sitting at a desk when I started to experience what I thought was a cramp (among the top five worse pains I've had in my life and I've been shot, stabbed and dumped by my EX) in my left groin (at the time I was an active cyclist... my job required a lot of standing). It persisted and worsened over a day... then started to move south so my doc advised me to go to the ER... after my ultrasound, everything around me suddenly got serious and I spent a few days in the hospital on the IV rat poison.

    Afterwards, I was on Coumadin for a bit and advised for a while, at least (can't remember how long) to curtail cycling... more out of a fear of bleeding to death in the event of an injury... but of course, I didn't listen and started riding as soon as the pains subsided (I'm guessing within 2 weeks).

    Alas, this eventually knock'd me off for about 4 years (a very longer and complicatedity story). At one point, the swelling was so severe that I could not wear a shoe.

    Alas part deux, today, I still carry the "scar" of the event. My left lower extremety never recovered (where the clot eventually stopped) and still swells up to this day (I sometimes wear compression hose to ease it a bit). On the plus side, once I was able to manage the pain (it persisted for about 3 years in some form or fashion ranging from a 4 to an 8 on a scale of 0-10) I got back on the bike and have been doing good ever since but still have difficulty climbing stairs (Arthur and his brother Itis have been poking my knees).

    This was my case. I think there is room for many variations.

    BTW... the Coumadin only lasted for about a year or two when I took myself off (had to go for weekly blood level checks). I've been told that the cause was a combo of my job type (standing), my activity (cycling) and flying (seated on planes for hours at a time).
  • Scary experience for you, mine started after a lumpy ride & I was convinced I'd pulled a muscle until the heat & redness started, then I hit the surgery super fast. Anybody else?
  • I posted my experience with DVT and an update recently.

    Been on warfarin since April and will be until at least Jan / Feb. I got back in the saddle about July time and am actually going to enjoy some MTB action tomorrow for the first time on a trail in 12 months.

    I too had the unreal and unbelievable pain- I've never been shot (was stabbed with a chip fork once) and I thought I was going to require amputation!

    I am exercising again somewhat cautiously but anxiety of recurrence definitely bothers me.

    Compression stockings worn daily which are my biggest gripe as they continuously fall down and bunch up behind my knee causing more stress and actual risk of another DVT! Leg still feels different and maybe always will.

    I have heard stories of ex-DVT sufferers going on to compete in Ironman, marathons etc so I am hoping leisurely non-competitive rides / sportives long remain part of my lifestyle!
  • As an add-on, I never experienced the pain that the previous 2 folk suffered just the heat -redness- exquisite tenderness so if you get any combo. of the symptoms in this discussion don't hang around, it killed a relative of mine!!!
  • boblo
    boblo Posts: 360
    I had one a couple of years ago. I was 6 weeks before a 4000mile ride and I broke my collar bone. I refused to accept the implications so had it plated under BUPA. 2 days after the op I had a massive DVT in the arm on the plate side. Heparin in the stomach for a week followed by Warfarin for a year and weekly checks.

    I went on my ride anyhoo and completed it without bleeding to death. The biggest risk is bleeding after an accident as Warfarin stops any leak clotting. I was supposed to continue my blood checks etc whilst away to keep the Warfarin dose 'just right'. I didn't bother and again, didn't die. Having regular checks wasn't really practical as I was in some pretty grotty countries and moving on every day.

    Now I have a hairline scar, a bit of Ti and no other I'll effects. YMMV however....
  • Partner taking 8-9mg a day and cycles/goes to gym fine - no problem (after pulmonary embolism a few months ago). - if you look through your notes you should also be able to work out your hematocrit level ;)

    PS - Warfarin only brings your blood clotting capability in line with "regular" people
  • I'm learning more, I use to refer to warfarin as blood thinner ( like many people ) but it's an anti- coagulant & as you say brings patients into line with normal folk. I only hope it doesn't alter my biological passport as the TDF. will have to be missed, still there is always the TV.
  • posting to bring it to the first page again & to tie it in with another posting "bloody clots" please be aware of people's differing symptons & remember.
  • I've just read one of my previous postings & it's wrong, warfarin doesn't bring you in line with normal folk, normality blood coagulates at an INR. of approx. 1, drug therapy takes you higher out of this range. This has the effect of reducing the clotting factor of the blood & your body has time to break down any other clots that are present. ( INR.- international normalised ratio)
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    NB- dvt and what i had/got (arterial emboli) are 2 seperate things.
    ie-all i can remember being told was that i cant and wont ever where compression gear of any kind
    now sharing my plods on