Bored and fancy a bit of aimless clicking?

Bradders87 Posts: 93
edited December 2012 in The cake stop
You'd be doing me a huge favour if you'd visit and waste 5 minutes of your time :)



  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    One on the left looks better.
  • The one of the old lady needs to have that vein sorted as well. It looks far too conspicuous in the edited version.

    Given that the edits are desirable in the first place, which is obviously debatable, the cloning is mostly quite good. The colour temperature changes and desaturation stuff is less impressive, but still Ok as far as it goes.

    So, what are you using to do this stuff?
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • graham.
    graham. Posts: 862
    The one with the "Added Teeth" is the wrong way round (In my opinion.) It looks more like teeth removed.
  • The one of the old lady needs to have that vein sorted as well. It looks far too conspicuous in the edited version.

    Given that the edits are desirable in the first place, which is obviously debatable, the cloning is mostly quite good. The colour temperature changes and desaturation stuff is less impressive, but still Ok as far as it goes.

    So, what are you using to do this stuff?

    The desirability of the edits is something that I'm hoping to ascertain with this test as well. It's not work that I've done personally, more of a solution to a question in a much larger game. Interesting comments all the same though, thanks :)
    Graham. wrote:
    The one with the "Added Teeth" is the wrong way round (In my opinion.) It looks more like teeth removed.

    As above really - there is an element of the relevance of the type of edit as well as the particular work in question.
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Still not sure exactly what question I was answering. Depends what you mean by 'desirable' and the context.

    Eg, being able to remove the people from the background would be very desirable if you'd managed to get a brilliant picture of your kids which you wanted to display if it wasn't ruined by the gurning idiot standing behind them (AKA their Dad). It might also be very desirable if you were a holiday company wanting to remove the donkeys, deck-chairs and germans from an otherwise unspoilt beach. The latter would be much less desirable if you were a potential holiday-maker trying to choose a destination, however.

    So, from my point of view, I'll say that the technical capability is extremely impressive. The 'desirability' of doing it depends almost entirely on what it's being done for!
  • I completely agree. There were a number of different scales that we could have asked for feedback on, but for the sake of reduced friction decided on one, general option, and to let the visitor decide for themselves.
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    "this girl has been removed"
