Mutliple Bar Tapes?

nickatkins Posts: 3
edited December 2012 in Workshop
I bought a second hand decathlon road bike with yellow tape and tyres which I'll be changing this winter!

I have just started taking the bar tape off and have revealed 3 layers of bar tape on top of each other - is this common? Should I leave the bottom one on, or strip it all off and just put one roll of tape on as I think is standard?


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Expect the previous rider may have had trouble with vibration or comfort, hence multiple layers. Double-wrapping bar tape is common for the Northern Classics - riding cobbles is hard on the wrists.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    No rules on this. I personally double tape as I like the extra damping (but do not like gel tape or pads).

    3 seems a little excessive but each to their own.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • Thanks, left the bottom one on as it was very thin and added the new black one on top. Pretty pleased with the look (first time i've wrapped my handlebars), struggled with the bar ends and amount of tape to leave there - neither is ideal but should be secure.
  • I took a tip and wrapped my winter bike bars with a cut-up old inner tube. Works a treat!

    Cut the old tube either side of the valve, then cut along the circumference of the tube to "flatten", it before wrapping onto bars. I then put normal tape over the top :D