Freeze Resistant Lube

hp1975 Posts: 31
edited November 2012 in Commuting general
I use Finish Line Green for loads of lube jobs on the bike including inside cable outers, works great in the summer but as I discovered today it freezes pretty quick and turns into a gloopy high friction mess, cable discs still worked but the spring return on the lever was non existent.

Any recommendation for a lube that will keep doing its job even in sub zero temps?



  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    works fine in the cold. but if you have not performed regular maintenance the will be water in there which is freezing.

    used to use it all the time at -lots in Sweden
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Freezing? Is it waterbased? Are you sure it's not waxing?

    It may be that you've over-lubed it or you haven't cleaned between applications. If it's gunky wipe the excess off and see how it goes. As long as cables have a coating of lubricant to repel water and reduce friction they should be fine whatever the weather.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    How much are you putting on?
    Finish Line wet lube attracts dirt pretty quickly (does on my bikes anyway) so could easily gunk up cables. For lubricating pivot points (e.g. derailleurs) I either give them a blast of GT-85 to clean out the dirt or put a drop of Finish Line dry lube (or similar) and wipe off the excess.
    Cables I don't use lube on. If they are dirty and I'm feeling tight then I'll spray some GT-85 onto a rag and wipe them.

    From what you describe it sounds like your cables are gunked up. One way to test is to unbolt the cable at the caliper and see how springy the arm is. If it's slow to return then maybe the caliper is gunked up a bit and needs cleaning, if not then try removing the brake inner wire and wiping with GT-85 to give it a clean. If that doesn't work then I'd try a new brake inner wire. Failing that, remove the ferrules and blast the outers with an air line, or get some new ones.
  • hp1975
    hp1975 Posts: 31
    Ok waxing is probably the technical term. Only been in there 2 weeks so definitely not a maintenance issue and i only applied a finger wipe down the length of the cable.

    The calipers are brand new as well, and the spring on the BB7 is huge. I dont see how anything can be gunked up after 200 miles with brand new kit with a full cable run from lever to caliper?
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    i am presuming the OP is using the original Green coloured Finish line grease rather than the Wet lube.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown